Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

-> Quaestor Report #3 <- </b

Been two weeks since you saw a report last from the House Summit, so lots of news to cover, so bear with me. Report time!

<li> Krath Epis Bubbles Taldrya earned herself a nice Steel Cross for her great leadership and activity as Battle Team Leader of Phoenix. Grats’ Bubbsy!

<li> Krath Priest Lokasena “Sena” Corvinus was awarded a Dark Cross for his activity within the house as well as aiding his Battleteam with his Project Balvarine. Well deserved, Sena!

<li> Guardian James StarGazer was rewarded with a Dark Cross for helping the house with his Score Breaker competition, as well as being active in his house activity’s. Good work James!

<li> Welcome to Ektrosis Apprentice Dagoss! We are more than happy to have you, and we hope you enjoy your stay with us! From the looks of it, you are eager to get started, so keep at it, and you will go far.

<li> New LHoJ, T:F and P:GM.

<li> T:F, T:G and CM reports are out and about.

-Ludy has open ‘Assistant Loremaster’ positions for each Clan. If you are interested in helping the Clan with fiction, send in an application the Halc by the 14th of July.

-Vardar has opened up positions on the gaming staff. If you think you are able to put up with Vardar and the rest of the gaming community, then send Vardar and email including what you will bring to the table as part of the team.

-ACC Eraser competition ended and all of the wins are tallied up, along with a Journeyman ACC competition on the horizon. Resort to the ACC handbook when taking the SA ACC Basics course.

<li> A big congrats to Taldryan’s Xander on becoming Praetor to the Grand Master! I love it when Tal people get out there and make a difference in the DB. It makes me feel all happy inside.

<li> Independent House Revan has been established and already has a whopping 24 members total (That’s as many as Ektrosis). I wish Raken and Sarin luck on this and hope it will continue to turn out as well as it already has.

<li> Justicar report out. Another member caught for cloning. Why people continue to do this? The world may never know…

<li> Head Master report out and kicking. It’s a good read and full of information, so click here to read it.

<li>An update from the Wiki Tribune Tron, if you upload an image, it cannot exceed the dimensions of 800 x 600 pixels, and do not use .png as the file format.

<li> MAA report out; a lot of stuff to go through, so click here to read the report.

<li> T:W Tron is on a two week LoA.

<li> Tal PCON apps were open and are now closed. We eagerly await Halcs response to the house on the matter (Hint, hint ;)

<li> Bubbles has agreed to take up the position of Tetrarch over Phoenix for another term! After going through applications, she was the most qualified at this point in time, and she was eager to continue her work in Phoenix.

House Ektrosis Competitions

Clan HQ Grapphic

Starts: 2009-07-04 Deadline: 2009-07-31



While there is a description of our Headquarters on Karufr, there is no image to go along with it. Your job is to create that image, using what has been described here: http://www.taldryan.net/hq.php


Any type of graphic-making program or hand-drawn


3rd Level Crescents


All submissions go to Halcyon ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Motto

Starts: 2009-07-04 Deadline: 2009-07-31



For numerous years the Clan motto has been "A Brotherhood within a Brotherhood". It is a concept that has been held dear by many who have come through our halls.

Using any form you wish (prose, fiction, essay, graphic, etc...), explain just what that truly means to you as a member of this Clan.


3rd Level Crescents


All submissions go to Halcyon ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

That’s it for competitions in Clan, as well as House wide. Nobody submitted to my Medallion Restoration competition, and after thinking on it, I am no longer extending the deadline: From this point on, the competition is over with. If you had a submission, then you should have sent it in. Sorry, but that’s how it goes.

With a new month come new competitions. With that in mind, I would like to remind you all that I am very open to our younger Journeymen and lower ranked Equites running competitions throughout the house. So, should you have a competition that you would like to run, shoot Vodo and myself an email, and we will be more than happy to test it out (That is, if the idea will work). So don’t hesitate and get going with that email!

This past week as been filled with sand, water, and lots and lots of sun. I live within an hour’s drive from numerous beaches, and my family is on vacation. It has been a good week, and I am glad it dragged on. I have not had that much fun in ages.

As a sort of Ektrosis Initiative, I would like to see some more activity on the Message Boards. They are easy to access and are always there, yet no one uses them in the house besides the every now and then competition held on it. They are there to be used, and I would like to see some of you start to utilize this asset.

As a side note, Vodo and I, along with a mystery member, have been working on a special little project. Though it will not be ready until my next report, I figured I’d let you guys know about it to start those little imaginations going. If you are active in the house and your Battleteam, then you will most definitely be affected by this, so keep your eyes peeled!

Also… AED Apps open the end of summer? Hmm, I’ll have to think on this one for a bit =P

Take care all, and always keep your eyes on your inbox for updates from the Tal and Ekky Summits.

Dark Jedi Brotherhood | DJB Wiki | DJB Message Boards | DJB Competitions Page

Clan Taldryan Website | Promotion Guidelines | Taldryan Competitions | Ektrosis Roster

-Consul Halcyon Taldrya – [Log in to view e-mail addresses]< br>

-Proconsul -- TBA

-House Ektrosis Quaestor Shaz’air “Sidarace” Rathden – [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

-House Ektrosis Aedile Vodo Biask – [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

-Battleteam Leader Phoenix Phyle Bubbles Taldrya – [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Until then,

Obelisk Templar Shaz’air “Sidarace” Rathden

Quaestor of House Ektrosis of Clan Taldran PIN# 9193

-> _ House Ektrosis shall be an open threshold for those who pursue excellence in leadership and activity. With the banner of Taldryan before us we will prove our strength and ingenuity throughout the Brotherhood upon every platform that creates this great club, reciting our motto: Descendants of Darkness, Heirs to Hate_ <- </li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li>

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