_Tridens Quaestor Report
Report ID: RK201
Quaestor: KP Raiju Kang_
Tridens Quaestor Report
Hey Everybody
Sorry its taken so long to get this out; however, things have been busy for myself so I didn't get a chance until now. Fortunately, though this week I'm still pretty busy, next week things will be freeing up completely for me as summer school ends (both my courses, and the high school summer school I'm helping teach at) so you all will be seeing way more from me and way more activity from the QUA office.
Anyways, as some of you may remember; my reports follow a different scheme them most (I borrowed it from Kir's time in CP while I was there). Basically, I like to start with a House Announcement to start my reports, say where we are and what we are gonna do, and then bi-weekly I like to give an update of what is going on from myself and those helping me.
You can note above in the report heading, that my reports are numbered. Simple reasoning: I like to keep it neat like this so I can make reference to specific reports without too much hardship for people to find them. As you'll notice, I've started it at 201 this round. No this isn't my 201st report, just my 2nd term so I thought that would additionally help keep things organized.
But anyways, into the meat of the report.
New Summit
I know you guys may be getting tired of this, but for the final time I'll just go over the summit so everyone knows exactly what is going on.
Our Quaestor is myself, Raiju Kang. I'll basically be looking after house direction, projects, supervision over the other members of the team, and increasing all of you are getting your just rewards. Many of you know me already, I was QUA once before. Likewise, before this term I was the Aedile so you definitely all should have heard of me before now.
Our Aedile is Frosty. He'll be handling competitions; basically I want him to manage running competitions, promoting all competitions available to our members, collecting participation lists from all competitions available to our members, etc. Likewise, he'll be helping out with projects for me and sometimes managing them himself. The Aedile position is fairly general, like my position, for the simple purpose that Frosty will be helping out everywhere I can use him and he has time for. The only AED-specific duty of his is the competition aspect which he will be big dog of. He'll be the one you need premission from to run them, I don't like to step on toes so I'll be directing everything to him. However, as always if I'm needed to award medals than I will. I want everything to go through him specifically so he can keep an eye on things and make sure nothing overlaps with a major competition or something
Our Rollmaster is Windos. He'll be handling pretty much everything fiction related and he'll be the main guy working on plotlines for the House. Since we are leading up to a major clan comp, we'll all be working on this together. However, once the clan comp is over he'll be heading this himself and the chronicles will be his tool to do this (chronicles will be explain further down). Besides plotlines, windos will be looking after the house wiki (which again, will be a focus AFTER the clan comp) as well as other wiki pages related to the house (NPCs, events, etc.). He'll also be in charge of creating fiction comps for the house, helping mark fiction comps ran in the house, and promoting them. Of course this crosses over with the AED's duties, however its solely fiction that windos will be doing while AED will be doing an overview.
Battleteam Leader is Kyra. I like to include the BTs as part of the summit so they get experience in the summit and know what's going on. Kyra is basically taking over the old RM/envoy duties. When new members enter, they go to her team and she helps them advance. When a member gets a master, they are removed from the team and they are under just their master's guidance with myself watching over it. Likewise, when a member gets to DJK then are removed. I may open up another BT later once we have more active DJKs/Equites to support it.
House Overview
Very Simple. We are hurting. While we aren't the lowest in numbers in Tarentum, Tridens is easily one of the least active. In the GJW, our membership contribution was the least of all three houses and since this, we haven't had too much activity until recently. Thankfully, its not all your faults. I know that the summit hasn't been extremely helpful in fighting this, but things will be changing around now. We have an excellent summit, full of colourful personalities that I think will help bring some of the fun back into the house (no offense meant to my fellow summits by that).
Additionally, with the renewed summit we have a big boost in activity that is pumping out and I have to thank Frosty and WIndos mostly for that. They definitely are keeping me going, and I have to thank them for that as well, same to kyra.
So in the next three months, I'm hoping that not only we boost our size in numbers of members; but developing a solid core of activity producers will be our general goal. How are we gonna do this? Well below are the focuses we will be following for the next three months.
House Focus
1) Recruitment: We need members, and active ones. There's no doubt about that, and the problem is we have been relying on those that get sent to our house. Unfortunately they usually aren't full of active members. I personally will be overseeing the developing of our house numbers. I want them to go up, I want the percentage of those on LoAs to go down, and I want to see a variety within our ranks. How am I gonna do this? Well, with 3 separate stages of a recruitment project I'll be running and needing some help with that I'll be contacting a few key members about.
2) Role Development: When I was last QUA, Tridens became the royal guard of the clan summit. Since then, I've found out that we've been downgraded a bit with the Tarentae being the ones who would be most likely to do this and us being sort of sentinels. Unfortunately, this leaves us in a bit of a confusing state. So what I want to use the clan comp for is for us to move away completely from this idea and leave us open for something new and hopefully unique. This will likely end up being a main concern for Windos, however we'll all (the summit as well as asking you guys for ideas) be contributing to discussions and such to help with it.
3) Competition Development: Something I'm glad that Anshar is doing for Tarentum is that we are becoming more of a competition based community where we have lots of opportunities for fun, advancement, and ablitiy to get involved in the storyline. I want this for Tridens as well. Instead of just a bunch of random competitions that are strung along, I want merit behind everything and want to develop oursleves as a community within Tarentum. I want us to have our own story as well as have it piece into the clan one. I have some ideas for this, including a major comp later in the year. Again, this will likely end up being a main concern for Frosty, however we'll all be contributing to it the same as the role development.
Starting Projects
Tridens Contribution to the Upcoming Comp: Fairly easy to understand, we'll be busy for the next week-two weeks getting Tridens' commitment to the clan comp finished. Windos has pumped out some fiction for us to look over, and it just needs my look over before we can go with it. Expect to have it released via the Tridens' Chronicles.
Recruitment Stage One: Again, fairly easy to understand. I have a certain resource pool in the DB I want to exploit. New some help, so if you are interested in earning some merit for promotion/medals send me an email.
Activity Tracking So I started this as Aedile, found out the other systems were abandoned. In the process of discussing some revamping to the system on the mb to use until a new secret project of the summit is released.
Secret Project Seems everyone in the DB has a secret project, I want one for Tridens. Basically, when Frosty signed on as AED he suggested a new resource for Tridens to use for activity tracking and competitions. So I've been him the go on this.
I'm hoping that you all see where I'm hoping to go with the house with all of this for the next three months. If not, feel free to reply to this and ask. For the moment, we are gonna be focused specifically on preparing for the clan comp and then we will be working on our own stuff. But anyways, that's it for now.
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