Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report



I am certain all but the newest of you know me, know of me or have at least seen my name mentioned a few times. I am Etah Idanian and Arcona has been my home since my very first day in the Dark Brotherhood. Among the Clan of Shadows I have had my ups; I have had my downs and my in betweens. Many of the people who hooked me into Arcona are no longer here (Selene, Psyko) and I have had the privilege of meeting many new or returning members since.

I served as Battle Team Leader of the Qel-Droma phyle late 2007/early 2008. I was AED of Galeres for a few months after that, right up to the beginning of the 8th Great Jedi War (though at the time we thought it was the 7th). I recently had the opportunity to step up in leadership as the AED of Galeres once again mid-way through the 9th Great Jedi War.

I’d like to take this space to thank the leaders who have believed in me including Dash and Strat, I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to give me advice and assistance when I asked of it including Arc, Kent and Legz and lastly I would like to thank everyone who is willing to follow me, you guys are very brave >.<

I’m hoping to stick around for a while, not for my own ego or a MOVE4POWA!. But because Arcona has historically had a high turnover rate in leadership as many of you saw during the Great Jedi War. As a clan I believe we can achieve even greater heights of awesomeness and success if we achieve a greater level of stability.




I haven’t mentioned Timmy yet because I wanted to thank him separately. Less than a year into my time here in the Brotherhood everyone I was close too fled Arcona, which was when I happened to meet Timmy. He has helped guide me and develop my leadership and fiction skills every step of the way. He believed in me when no one else did and is probably the primary reason I have stayed in Arcona for so long.

Under Timeros’s excellent stewardship, Galeres led Arcona into winning the 9th Great Jedi War, beating Clan Tally. A completely unprecedented accomplishment (though one I intend to help set precedent for). When he was jaded in his position as Quaestor (a position he assumed only temporarily) and felt he lacked the drive and vision for it, he had the courage to step down, an act in and of itself laudable. But not only did he step down as QUA, but he accepted another position for which he did have the drive and vision to excel in.

So (as many of you already know) Timeros will continue to serve Arcona as the Clan Rollmaster, helping to mold the next generation of Arconans. I’m sure he will do as great of a job there as he has done as Quaestor and I’m pretty sure you guys will give him whatever support he needs to get his mission done, and if you don’t I’ll dress you up in a furry suit and send you over to CP for a night lol




With Timeros taking the position of Clan Rollmaster we had to put Ninj somewhere, so welcome Zakath as Aedile of the House Galeres. No seriously; I worked with him in Prophesy, so I know we work well together and am confident that he will do a great job here. He is a great addition and I look forward to working with him here in Galeres.


Clan Tally’s new CON


Apparently Clan Tally begged the DC to appoint Halcyon to be their new Consul after Shadow stepped down. We of the shadow clan collectively extend the bonds of friendship and brotherhood to the former first clan. I had thought they were bitter about losing the 9th GJW and were going to try doubly hard next go ‘round. But it’s now obvious they are throwing in the towel, as Halcyon’s amazing leadership abilities will almost certainly doom them to 3rd or 4th place. I offer my condolences in advance.

Also I think I have finally realized why I call them Clan Tally when Taldryan is only a few more letters. I think it’s because Tally sounds so much like Sally and I’ve always thought of Clan Taldryan as effeminate, not effeminate in a sexy way either. Sally would be a girl but like, an ugly, fat, butch chick, and probably smelly too. Sounds like pretty accurate description of Clan Taldryan if you ask me >.<


Mine Projects!


In leadership it’s very important to have a vision. You can be great with the mechanics of leadership, i.e. promoting, awarding, creating competitions etc. but if you don’t have vision you won’t inspire and an uninspired house is less than fun and more often than not unsuccessful in competitions. So I wanted to give you a peak at my vision for Galeres, I figured I tell you a little about the projects that matter most to me. I know it would be ultra efficient and leader like to list every project I am working on and put percentages for how close to being done I am. But I am much to lazy for that :P and who really wants to be that accountable lol



The main thing Galeres should be is fun. If that’s me dealing with problem members or creating an awesome fictional environment or offering a variety of competitions and gaming opportunities, I’ll do it. I highly suspect it will be a good combination of all those things and more. If you have any suggestions feel free to contact me by email or catch me on IRC. I am not promising to implement everyone’s ideas, mainly because your ideas might suck. But I will always be available to hear you out.



Arcona has devised a new system to train members that is different from what we have been doing and different from what everyone else in the Brotherhood is doing. It’s going to be harder to implement than we originally thought due to a lack of Equites. But I am going to be looking over our rosters and figuring out how to at least implement it on a small scale. Battleteam Leaders, under the Shadesworn training scheme your roles are very important, so expect to be hearing from me soon.



I mentioned this in my last AED report, I have made updating our prospectus, wiki articles, web-page and SA course (which I am the EP of) a priority. I have done this first and foremost because this material establishes the fictional environment for our clan. In the past we have had a very two dimensional role playing environment and I want to help break us into that third dimension. Then who knows, maybe a forth :P Its also important because our material is reflective of our clan. How can we be the first clan if our fictional material is last place?



The key to our victory in the next Great Jedi War is preparation. We win or lose that fight right here and now. I’ll tell you what; our gamers and our ACCers (of which I was neither), more or less won the war for us. We were lagging in fiction/poetry/graphics, we did OK in battle plans (first and last respectively, both thanks to me and a few others) and our run-on was totally atrocious and skidded in for a last place finish which is sad in general given the fictional talent and the RO experience that I know we have here. Having identified our strong points we need to keep sharpening those skills and having identified our weak points, we turn those into strengths. Perfection is unattainable but is our goal nevertheless.


In closing; we’re awesome, never forget that and if you have any comments, questions or concerns, you know how to reach me. If your new and you don’t know how to reach me, ask Timeros. If your not new and you don't know how to reach me, just kill yourself. No seriously :P


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