Alright Gents it is Report time. Although I sent this in an email to you all you need the full uber report with all teh images and linkies to competitions and such.
First thing, roleplaying night will most likely be tomorrow at 7pm. Stay tuned to your email later today. I have an idea that you all might like for our roleplaying. Anyone play Star Wars the Roleplaying game? :D
Secondly the two run ons that are going on, Fallout and Operation Rorouni, need to have people posting in them! After the Fallout run on, or during I haven't decided yet, I'm going to do our own run on because there are some things that will happen in Fallout/the House Feud that will provide us with a new operation to look forward to. :)
Third, the weekly list of competitions and man there are alot of em. Hears everyone cheer sarcastically Oh it's not that bad come on! XD
The Konus Challenge (TKC) - Ground Segment
The Konus Challenge (TKC) - Written Segment
[CNS] Gaming/Training Days - July
Dear lord was that alot of typing and coding*wipes for head off of sweat* anyways, guys when you submit something to a competition you gotta send me a copy of the work to so that I know your doing it and well it helps for your promotions.
Earned a Dark Cross
Passed History of the Sith 2 and 3
Passed Old Republic History
Passed Pre-republic History
CS Approved
Passed Conflict Mediation
Helped me create the Night Raptors wiki page
Real Life:
So I dyed my hair blue like you all know. Should be going to see Harry Potter today or something. I have been playing a lot of Call of Duty lately, and I mean A LOT. So if anyone has xbox live and Cod4/5 let me know and maybe we can shoot stuff.
Commander Fremoc Pepoi
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