Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

**Prophecy Phyle Report

Tetrarch Kant Lavar, Report No. 10

18 July 2009**

Obligatory Monologue

Okay, so my semi-LOA turned into a full-fledged LOA. I apologize for that. Blame my old unit's personnel section. But, 3000 miles, one U-Haul, way more gas than I want to contemplate, and a couple weeks of unpacking and rewiring later, I now am fully functional and mostly established in my new digs in Michigan.

New Requirement!

I have a new requirement for Prophecy folks; I need you guys to start keeping me in the loop on what they're doing. I - and the other Summit types - want to give promotions and shineys, but to do that, I have to see what you guys are doing. Thus, this new requirement. If you want to email me lists on a weekly basis, cool. I'm not really picky about how, or what format, but insofar as I can determine, none of us, and I include myself in this, I admit, is using the Clan activity tracker on the website, which we really should be. I, for one, intend on making a significant effort to use the Arcona Activity Tracker more often - who knows, maybe it'll help me make DJK. :-P

Competitions – Current

  • Clan RO - Displace - Do eeet. Summer RO is always fun. There are several ways to insert oneself in the story, and I've left a prime one open in my last post if you want to have someone to post with.

  • Hunt The Jedi! - Identify a character from the Star Wars universe using only a picture. Being run over the Clan mailing list. If you don't know about this one, than you need glasses.

Shadow Academy

  • None.

Awards & Promotions

  • GRD Marick and JH Celahir Erinos both received a Scroll of Indoctrination each for assisting in the Social Networking Recruitment Drive.

Closing Babble

My e-peen is getting bigger than yours; I just ordered a new graphics card, namely an nVidia GeForce GTX 295. For those who aren't hardware savvy, think "ragged bleeding edge" and you'll be right there.

Arcona Invicta!

JH Kant Lavar (Obelisk)/TET/House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona [ACC:CL:1]


Dossier No. 8505

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