Hello my lovelies!!!
First off I'd like to aologise for my lateness of my reort. I've had sever family issues as of late, and that has taken much of my time. Now that those issues are slowly fixing themselves I am now back, and once again will be on my A game. :D
secondly, it's Feud time and we are wooping butt!We are first place, and I'm so proud!! We are working our butts off, and we have to keep up the work. Try to do everything you can, and remember all submissions count!! With that said, we are in the lead, 40 to 36. Small lead, but still a lead. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!
Lastly, don't neglect the run on and the gaming!! The run on is a key component of the feud. So remember to go and have fun!!
I apologize for a very short and naked report. I'm working on getting a new report banner, and I'm learning HTML to make the reports all pretty and sexy looking.
Have a good week and remember to woop some HSK butt! :D
In darkness,
Octavia M. Kuga
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