-> # Taldryan Proconsul Report <-
Who would have thought I'd ever be here? I certainly didn't until two weeks ago.
Before I start my report, I'd like to introduce myself to those of you who may not know me, or at least my leadership style. I've been a member of the Brotherhood coming on six years now. In that time I've been Battleteam Leader of Pheonix Phyle, Aedile of House Ektrosis three times (though the second and third times shouldn't count), and Quaestor of the same house once. I've been a leader for nearly two and a half years now.
As a leader, I try my hardest to ensure that everyone in my care recieves the recognition that they are due. Hard work and service to your unit(s) will bring you reward, this is something I firmly believe, and something that Halc and I will be setting a major focus on. I also believe that a leader shows their own activity, similar to that of a regular member's, through the work they promote in their subordinants. As a Proconsul, It will be one of my primary concerns to ensure that there are always competitions, always activities, and always something for everyone to do. We will be pressing House Summits to be engaging their members individually, on a one-to-one basis if need be, to achieve this goal.
Look forward to more announcments from your Clan Leadership in the coming weeks as Halc returns and we're able to lay down a solid pan for the Clan's future.
-> ### Clan News <-
-Vodo Biask appointed Taldryan Proconsul. RUN FOR THE HILLS!
-House Ektrosis Applications now accepted for Aedile.
-Halc is on LOA until 7/26, refer all questions and comments to Vodo
-Lokasena Corvinus was selected as the Clan Taldryan Assitant Loremaster, Congrats
-> ### Brotherhood News <-
-The Head Master dissolved the position of Eclectic Pedagogue in order to make SUPER EPs (what they call professors). One person will now be grading several courses, all similar to one another, rather than a single individual per test.
-In addition to the Professors, there will be Assistant Professors in order to help the full Professors and Docents will grade individual courses still free of one of the new Departments.
-Applications need to be sent to the Head Master and his Praetor.
-Dessan and Kyra were selected to fill out the Gaming Staff Positions.
-Rollmasters now how the power to award higher crescents (up to Sapphire) and merit awards (up to Anteian Cross).
-House and Clan leaders can now award the Legion of Scholar!
-> ### Closing Thoughts <-
Short report this week. I was only made PCON four days ago, and I've spent those four without internet access, so I'm a little behind on my organization and news updates. I promise fuller, more detailed reports in the future. For now, until the Consul returns, I'll be steering the Clan with a light hand. Look to your house leaders for work, play, questions, and they'll send you to me should their ability to help you not be sufficiant.
~KE Vodo Biask Taldrya
Proconsul of Taldryan
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