Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Dark Greetings,

It is time for another weekly Aedile report as you can see. All quiet this week, not too much interest in gaming from you guys it seems. :P The "Do you have what it takes competition" runs until tomorrow, only Kyra played me so far and I know some of you have games. I'll be on around these hours tomorrow too on IRC. The clan wide competition is on going, as Anshar stated in his email there's some pretty high level awards you could win just by submitting so don't be shy and submit.

Not much to report this week. You guys are probably idling around just to make my job easier. :P You should know I love to work and report, so start doing something or you will be sent to the...Oberst!

IRC: .


Trivia Wipeout

[Tridens] Name that song!


Trivia for Everyone

Dirty Little Secrets

Dark Jedi Parables

Tell me why!

[Tridens] Do you have what it takes? (I've only fought Kyra for this one, so there's still chance for you to grab an easy medal)

[Broken] The Renegade Thief


No promotion this week. Bad! :(

Shadow Academy

No courses passed this week. Double bad! :(


APP Kateria Destiny. Welcome Kateria!

Antei Combat Centre

OE Frosty Romanae Tarentae lost over DJK Ji K'awiil.

SBM Windos Helkin Tarentae won over DJK Ji K'awiil.

Doesn't necessarily mean Windos is better then me in ACC. :P


OE Frosty has posted an Aedile report.

DJK Kyra Starfire has poste an Seargent report.

Name this song!

"You should have gone to school, you could've learned a trade

But you laid in the bed where the bums have laid

Now all the time you're crying that you're underpaid

It's like that and that's the way it is

Huh! "

Last week's participants were: 1st Adien, 2nd Kyra, 3rd Jagen, and worthy mention Archean with 4th place but no points for him this week.

So the standings so far are:

1st. Kyra: 7 pts

1st. Archean: 5 pts

2nd. Adien: 4 pt

2nd. Jagen: 2 pt


OE Frosty Romanae Tarentae (Obelisk)/AED/Tridens of Tarentum [GMRG: SN1] [ACC: CL:3]

GC-PoTP / SC-CoP / AC-ToSC / DC-GP / GN / SN-AuL / BN-BL / Cr-5R-10A-8S-6E-2T-2Q / PoB-AgL / CF-SpF / DSS-BL / SI-AgL / SoL-TC / LS-AuL / S:-7M-4R-5Al-9C-11D-2Do-2Dk-6P-11U


Heir of Tarentum

Aedile of Tarentum**

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