Koga sat in his office, wiping sweat, blood, and tears from his face. Getting back in the full swing of things, he has started training again, trying to keep his mind off of the hectic week that just ended. "I know there will be more..i must be ready for it"
Well as far as News, the WAR is over! i wish to thank everyone for their hard work on all that yall have done. The results will be out as soon as they all get tallied so i must ask everyone, Please be patient and do not bug the summit about them or you will not receive your medals MWAHAHAHAHA
Im sorry that this "news" post isn't very informative, but trust me when i say that next week will be loaded :)
-> <ahref="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v254/kogarasu/?action=view¤t=gameing.png"target="_blank"> <-
Well now for gaming, Since the war is done i would like to think that Gaming nights and the ICTE should be back up and running.
Gaming nights is basically, for those who don't know, is an Everyday thing that takes place on #DBGaming
All challenges MUST be made there and when you report the matches, you do so in your admin page. real easy way to get some CFs, anymore questions, or training in JO and/or JA, please direct all questions to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The Inter Club Training Event or ICTE is held every Saturday from 12am to 12am on #outerrim Also, same as in DBGaming, All challenges must be made in Outerrim. you will report the matches to this site. http://icte.darkjedibrotherhood.com/closed.php
I must ask that everyone look over the rules and rights of combat and abide by them all. respect all players, dont lame (attack with the opponents chat box is up, attack the opponent wile they lay on the ground, or any unarmed player) get the rules set before getting into the ring. again, if you have any questions about this as well, please direct them to me.
SW Kal Vorrac vs. KE Impetus M'Nar Victorious: SW Kal Vorrac, KE Impetus M'Nar
KAP Vorion vs. KP Kaira Rohana Victorious: KAP Vorion
PRT Callidous vs. KE Impetus M'Nar Victorious: PRT Callidous
Conflict Mediation
Isildur Eärendil 100%
I Really wanna stress how important it is for this. We need some DJK and above to help show the New troops the way of the jedi and get them going in the right direction. If you would like to be a Master, please visit the Link at the bottom and let me know, i will assign you a journeyman as your student.
OT Galaphile Dupar
no requests yet
*Current Masters and students *
(Master)Impetus M'Nar | (Student)Artemis Alustriel
(Master)Ood Bnar Sythe'rae | (Student)Killer
(Master)Kaira Rohana | (student)Zeon (2nd Student) Izzy
Info on the Master-Student program can be found here.
If there is more of you out there, Please please let me know.
None yet, but just wait, i have a feeling that we will be getting alot soon.
I Still Dont know who Did this Banner for my Banner Comp, If you made this, Please contact me so i can get u ur 3rd place medal. be honest please. Again, when this submission came it i saved the image but the e-mail got deleated. i dont recall who sent it in.
-> <ahref="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v254/kogarasu/?action=view¤t=medals.png" target="_blank"> <-
Cethgus Kuga: Cluster of Fire x123, Pendant of Blood x2
Kaira Rohana: Cluster of Fire x68
Impetus M'Nar: Crescent with Amethyst Star
-> <ahref="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v254/kogarasu/?action=view¤t=promo.png" target="_blank"> <-
None this week
-> <ahref="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v254/kogarasu/?action=view¤t=closing.png" target="_blank"> <-
Well this week is done and im glad, but Im so back in the full swing again. im getting stuff done, im working on new projects. i got to talk to a few people about one of the projects but i think everything will be cool. Im so proud of everyone's hard work on the feud. results aren't out yet but i think they should be soon, just chill out some and they will come, but i think we did awesome. Well like i said im working on some projects so be looking for them in a week or so. also i got a HUGE Halloween thing me and Fang will be working on. I think yall will be excited :)
OT Koga Kage (Obelisk)/RM/Exar Kun of Plagueis [ACC: INI]
GC / AC-ToSH / DC / GN / SN / BN / Cr-2A-7S-3E-2T-1Q / PoB / CF-SF / SI-BL / S:-7D-3Dk-1Rm-2P-9U
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