<img src=http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/2348/tgreportheaderfinal.png width45%>
No, you are not dreaming. This is not a beautiful fantasy. This is, in fact, another report from the office of the Gaming Tribune the guy thats hard at work to bring you all kinds of juicy gaming rewards and competitions. Lets get on with this report, then, shall we?
Whats new in gaming? What is new in gaming?! Ill tell you in the next paragraph.
Happy hour. We all know what that is, dont we? More alcohol, less money. Well, here in the Dark Brotherhood we shall now have a happy hour of sorts, relating to gaming. More Clusters of Fire, less playing. :)
Through careful <s>googling</s> examination of time differences between Europe and America, it seems to me that the average difference is somewhere between -5 hours and -6 hours for GMT time and have worked out a way in which most of gamers will be able to play without a) staying up too late; b) still be in classes/work.. Heres what you do, between the hours of 22:00 and 23:00 (GMT) on Fridays and Saturdays, you may e-mail the acting Gaming Tribune (me, in this case) with any matches played so that you will win two times as many Clusters of Fire as you normally would (for most of you on the other side of the pond, itd be something like 17:00-18:00). Just report them as usual and then proceed to let me know so I can then manually award what additional Clusters of Fire you have earned. (You have to e-mail me within that time period, if I receive an e-mail at 23:30, it wont count. If you start a match within that time but you dont think youll finish it before the end, e-mail me with the notification of the match having been started during happy hour and youll get your Clusters.
Soon, my fellow gamers, you shall have an epic competition of sorts thrust upon you. While I dont want to divulge too much at this time, be prepared for awesomeness. Myself in coalition with Dessan and Kyra are brewing up something special for you.
In other news, the Rites of Combat revision I had talked about in the previous reports has come to be, if you would, please read over the slightly modified rules of gaming:
(Worry not, it will open in a new window. Fear my ever-growing HTML 1337 5|<1|_|_5!)
Short and sweet. Until next time, gentlemen.
**_Try these Clusters, theyre GRRRRREAT! (Also, made of Fire. Hehehehe.. Fire owns..)**_
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your headers are fucking huge
compensation, clearly.