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Welcome to my final report as Quaestor of Dorimad Sol.
Its been a long road, and a hard road ...
I am proud to have walked it with so many fine people... you know who you are
</th></tr><tr><th width="73" scope="row"> Clan
News </th><td width="534"> Boot Camp results are out, congrats to the Winners, shinies are in your inboxes. Expect the Overall Winner to have something special waiting for him...
New GM report out, check the main page...
Xan is the new Rollmaster, I look for great things from him.
I have gotten most of my graphics stuff reloaded and am trying to find my models that I use most. Its taking me longer than I expected as I have almost 60 gigs of them on disks...
With this being my last report, I am going to kick back and say thanks to the people who made my time as QUA enjoyable. First, Robin, without whom I couldn't have done as much as I have. Dante, Thran, PJ, Kosk, Pho, Tollo, Nihhil, Korvyn, Anarya, and everyone else I want to thank you for the times we had and the stuff we did. I'll be around as I am not leaving HDS, I'll just have more time to get ready for my move in 2 months. </td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><span class="style2">Other Stuff</span></th><td>
<class="style2">The reason I played Golf in High School...
</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><span class="style2">Final Ramblings </span> </th><td> I have put Robin in as my replacement, I didn't spend the last few months training her for the job not to ;)
I'll be around but I'll have more time to actually get stuff packed up for my move and not worry about being an inactive commander. I hate roster riders and do anything to not be one. Once I get moved and settled, it might be a little before I get my internet and stuff going so this takes care of those problems too. I'll be around and I am not leaving HDS, you couldn't get that lucky :) laters! </td></tr><tr><th colspan="2" scope="row"> SBM Ric "Blade" Hunter (Sith)/QUA/*Dorimad Sol * of Scholae Palatinae
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