Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Cethgus stood over his desk and looked around, noticing that most of the paper work in the office was sprawled around the place. He stepped over the paper work that was around and went to place that had data pads. He walked over to the desk and picked up the nearest one, his eyes scanned the information that was on his desk and he threw the data pad over onto the wooden desk, letting it slide across the desk gently. Cethgus looked at his office and noticed that it had been a while since he had got the chance to tidy the place up.

“Cethgus, how have you been?” the voice was familiar and didn’t bother the veteran Obelisk.

“Ah, Nurok how are you doing my friend?” Cethgus didn’t let his eyes look of the data pad he knew that Nurok would let himself have a seat as he watched the information that was being given to him.

The Noise of his chair moving could be heard and he knew that Godo was taking a seat, he allowed his eyes to look upon the sith who was sitting in front of him. Before moving back to his data pad as he looked at his information that had been given to him.



Well for those who don’t know we managed to beat House Satal Keto in the feud, I would like to thank everyone who managed to participated on behalf of my house, I would like to say that you have made me proud, as I am sure you all know we have had a good try and this feud and thanks to those that have taken part, we have made a great feud. So now with us being able to win the feud, I look to the future and wonder what is ahead of us as a house, I know that the feud has made us stronger so thank you all for your work.

Now, I would like to say thanks to my leaders who helped me throughout the feud achieve all that we did. I would like to say thank you to Ood for being m right hand all the way through this feud. Koga for being my wing man on the gaming and helping support the new members even when focusing on helping us with the feud. Then we come down to Octavia, she has helped the house and lead her team to success. And finally the mention of the none leaders that have helped us a lot. Godo Nurok, what can I say about this man? He has been a driving force as we have fund, and he has been able to place from his support. Gala for his help on the RO, I would like to let everyone know that he has helped the RO.


Well since this report has been waiting for ages, I would like to let everyone know that we have got a lot of medals for everyone to recive, and I would like you all to know that you have done amazingly and I wish to see each of you keep up the good work, and strive for more medals, the medals you earn will always help you for promotion so keep that in mind when you aim to get medals. And with that said I will now let you know that the following medals have been given out since my last report:

Godo Nurok – Crescent with Emerald Star, Crescent with Topaz Star x2, Crescent with Sapphire Star x2, Crescent with Amethyst Star x2

Kaira – Crescent with Topaz Star x3, Crescent with Emerald Star x2, Crescent with Sapphire Star x2, Cluster of Fire x68, Crescent with Amethyst Star, Crescent with Quartz Star x2

Impetus – Crescent with Amethyst Star x2, Crescent with Quartz Star, Crescent with Emerald Star

Cethgus – Cluster of Fire x123, Pendent of Blood x2, Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Amethyst Star

Jaecyn – Crescent with Emerald Star

Quejo – Crescent with Topaz Star x2

Ood – Crescent with Amethyst Star

Octavia – Crescent with Topaz Star

Koga – Crescent with Sapphire Star

Shadow Academy:

I would like to once again say that this time we have a had a massive amount of exams passed, so thank you to everyone who has taken the time to go and take exams, I hope that you continue the hard work because each exam you take will always bring you closer to being promoted, So with that said, I hope to see you continue doing your hard work, and with that the following exams have been taken:

Vengen – Astronomy

Rivan – Dark Brotherhood Basics

Godo – Chamber of Justice I

Ecolore – IRC Basics

Raden – Brotherhood Basics, Lightsaber Studies

Impetus – Enemy Starfighter Eng/Tech, Dark Savant –

Writing and Philosophy, Dark Maven – Service

Nasake – Advanced Lightsaber Studies

Isildur – Conflict Mediation

Lysergian – Dark Brotherhood Basics

Antei Combat Centre:

Once again we have had a lot of you take part in the ACC side of the feud. I would like to thank everyone who took part in participating in the ACC, and now it is our time to recognise everyone who has been able to take part in the ACC, so with that said the following matches have been taken this time since my last report:

Godo – Character Sheet Approved

Koga – Character Sheet Approved

Galaphile vs Arcadian – Winner: Galaphile x2

Vorion vs Quejo – Winner: Quejo

Arcadian vs Kaira – Winner: Kaira

Cassandra vs Ood – Winner: Cassandra

Ood vs Vorion – Winner: Ood

Fang vs Galaphile – Winner: Fang

Koga vs Kaek – Winner: Kaek

Ood vs Kal – Winner: Ood

Quejo vs Anubis – Winner: Anubis


I would like to say well done to everyone who has been promoted, keep up the hard work to everyone and you will be able to get promoted. So I would like ot say well done to everyone who has been promoted in the recent time. So with that the following promotions:

APP Rivan promoted to NOV Rivan

APP Raden Maw promoted to NOV Raden Maw

Position open within House Exar Kun!:

I would like to let everyone know that there is now a position opens in House Exar Kun. This position is of Battle Team Leader of Blades of Kun. Kaira Rohana has stepped down with this it gives us the opening of a new position. So I would like to say that with that the position is up for application. But it requires the following:

Rank of Acolyte

Email Turnaround of 48 hours

Plans for the Team

Ideas for running a competition

IRC presence

I will be opening the applications up to the position and they will run from the 12th of August until the 17th of August so get your applications in to me via email. I hope to see you all apply.

Serving in Darkness

Cethgus Kuga

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