Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

_Sitting at her oak desk the Battle Team Leader sighed deeply and looked back at the data pad she had been working on. Lack of sleep, keeping track of her members and leadership changes had begun to stress her out, and this last round of information she had received had pushed her over the edge. Taking a few calming breaths she pulled out her communicator and flipped it open.

" All members of Exar's Shadow, this is your commander. There will be a mandatory meeting in my office in 10 minutes."

Shutting the communicator with a click she stood and went to the window and looked out so she could mentally prepare herself for the impromptu meeting._

My lovelies!!!!!

First of all I want to apologise for my lack fo reports. Life hit hard recently, my uncle passed and then I had to deal with multiple health issues, but now, I'M BACK!! Thank you all for supporting me and being there, it means a lot to have such awesome people supporting me! :D

As we all know, Exar Kun won the feud! Woot Go us!! I want to thank Everyone who participated! :D

This is uber short because I somehow lost all my important emails.. soooo go do the AWOL check, and then do Alaris's comp and i will have new comps up for you guys to do!! :D

Yours In Darkness

Octavia M. Kuga

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