Consul Report


Consul Report

Consul Report


The office of the Supreme Commander of the Jusadih Armed Forces had was no completely devoid of any influence of the Kaeth dynasty. Alaris, along with some carefully applied help from a former Deputy Grand Master, had secured the demise of the Kaeths with the apparent death of Braecen Kaeth, the patriarch of the now defunct family, and the disposing of Yzarc Rellik Kaeth. While Yzarc still lived, he had been stripped of his title, though Alaris allowed him to remain in service.

The death of his new apprentice, Aeshi, had hit the new Consul harder than he had expected it to. He was quick to replace her, but her death would hang on the back of his mind for some time. She was weak, he continued to tell himself, but he couldn't help shake the thought from his mind that he was still somehow responsible. Aeshi had truly been the only Dark Jedi casualty of the War of Two Consuls, as it had come to be called, though several members of the two Houses had been severely injured.

Jinn left the office, and walked into the Throne Room, which was the only entrance to the Consul's office other than an emergency escape to the Consul's private hanger.

The room full of Equites and Knights stood before him, with Journeymen at the back. Vivackus Kavon, the new Proconsul, stood next to the throne. Kavon had been appointed to replace Arion Sunrider, who had left Kapsina to serve as the Left Hand of Justice to Justicar Kir Katarn. The Battlemaster signaled Alaris's approach, and immediately the entire room, either willingly or grudgingly, dropped to a knee in respect.


The room returned to their feet at their Consul's command and awaited his next words.

"You've all been given a rank in the re-organized military. Soon, you all receive your placement."

Brothers and Sisters of Clan Plagueis

It's been quite some time since once of these guys, and for that I apologize.

There are lots of things to announce and let you know of, so let's get going!

Clan News

OE Cethgus Kuga has stepped down from the position of Quaestor in House Exar Kun. Replacing him is the ever awesome, KP Ood Bnar Sythe'rae. Keep an eye open for applications from him to be the new Aedile of Exar Kun.

As per the fiction above, you will note that we've begun to make placements in the Clan Plagueis Military. Please, everybody, make a note of what Branch you're in and let someone on your summit know if you wish to switch Branches. You can see rank information here:

Positions will be finalized on Sunday and officially announced and posted on the Wiki on Monday. If you want to change branches, please let us know by Saturday Evening.

Brotherhood News

Arcona PCON

Newly appointed Consul of Arcona, DA Strategos Entar Arconae, has opened up Apps for the position of Proconsul. More information here:

Dorimad Sol AED

SBM Robin Hawk has opened up Apps for the position of Aedile in House Dorimad Sol in Clan Scholae Palatinae. More information here:

Star Wars News

There are a few new videos for the new MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic. Check them out here: and here:

Thanks to GM Jac Cotelin for those great vids.


Long story short: Ceth resigns, Ood QUA. A couple positions open up for applications. Some awesome videos. Alaris is still awesome.

In service,

OP Alaris Jinn di Plagia (Obelisk)/CON-Wiki-DOC/Clan Plagueis[ACC: CL:1]

GC / AC-ToSH / DC-SiP / SN / Cr-1D-1R-2A-4S-3E-2T-4Q / CF-GF / DSS / SoF / SoL-BE / LS-BL / S:-10Rm-15U


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