Greeting Everyone!,
As of today, i have become the new Obelisk Sergeant Sergent! I'm totally psyched and ready to take over the position, but i am new, so you'll have to go easy on me until I learn the ropes of running the team.
About Me...
I'm a relative newbie to the Dark Brotherhood, and I've only been here for 5 months. I guess that just shows us what can be accomplished with a little effort. Well, my interests are in trivia, the Shadow Academy, and Gaming. right now the only game that will work with me online is Age of Empires 3, so if you have that, consider that a challenge :P.
Up and Running Stuff...
Right now we have two up and running stuff i can think of; one is Anshar's Clan Competition which can be accessed by logging onto the DB Forums and going to our clan page. The other is my Shadow Academy bonus round which you can see here; . Hel-Pa is also hosting a trivia competition, but i have yet to see anything about that....
Up Coming Stuff...
Kyra and I have been talking about numerous competitions; including a competition for helping me out on creating the wiki, this means helping come up with fiction ideas, and pictures. we have been talking also about doing two comps for improving the BT, in those you guys would come up with a new (appropriate) name for the Battle Team, as well as a motto for us. so this is some stuff that could take bloom in the future.
Ohh and we're also talking of developing a Run-On for Tridens, and maybe add it to Anshar's clan comp. as our part in the story...
Short Mission Statement...
Back when i joined and Cypha was the RM, it was him who really got me into the art of being active and having fun in the Dark Brotherhood. So now that the tittle has been bestowed upon me, im gonna do what i can to make sure you all can get the most out of our club. in my experience, it only takes one push in the right direction to get a person immersed in the Dark Brotherhood awesomeness.
My Farewell....
I think this is all for now, if you need something feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with anything you might need. I will also be pulling up activity logs soon to show you how close you all are to promotion.
Thanks guys,
Important Links... - Competitions - Home page - Me - Shadow Academy - Frosty (QUA) -Kyra (AED) - Wiki - Codex - ACC - DB Forums
GRD Jagen pheonix (krath)/SGT/tridens of tarentum
"I did not fall to the Dark Side. I was not seduced by the Dark Side. Falling indicates passivity. Seduction indicates a lack of control. I chose the the Dark Side. I chose power."
Darth Sarin
"Leadership isn't about firing bullets and stabbing people Church. Leadership is about being able to tell others to fire bullets and stab people"
--Doc; Red vs. Blue episode 78
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