Greetings House Marka Ragnos! Wow you certainly have been a busy bunch! I am very impressed with you, and proud of your efforts so far within the Feud. There is a Whole lot to report so lets get started
This past weekend held Dragon Con in Atlanta Georgia. This event houses all kinds of sci fi as well as other interests. The costumes were amazing as were the panels. If you are like me and perhaps never gone before, DCON has these panels with all different kinds of topics from writing to individual shows/movies, like Battle Star Glactica and Star Wars. We found out some new events planned for Star Wars as well as a sneak peak at the new Clone Wars Cartoon. As well as getting a chance to learn some hands on saber techniques. However the best part of this DCON was a bunch of Dark Brotherhood people managed to get out to it. Granted if a bunch more had gone I think we could have really owned the place! However getting to meet people face to face was fun, even if they were form other Clans. It did give us all a chance to come up with some plans from new competitions, to Battle Teams, to House feuds with other Clans, all kinds of stuff. So defiantly look for these to be coming soon!!!
TONNES of pictures are on facebook, but I will try to link you all to a few on photo bucket here soon too, if you do not have facebook. But again it was tones of fun, even if I did spend my birthday in the airport lol.
Also if you have any questions about DCON feel free to ask. I have had a couple already ask me if costumes are necessary. They arent, though it is fun to dress up, it is like an early Halloween really! Plus you never know what might happen. I was stopped by CNN radio to talk about my costume, and coincidentally the DJB.
As previously stated Zaxen had far to much RL stuff to be going on to help make our plans viable so he had to step down. Though he will be missed he did a great job and we hope he can return to us soon.
However in his place some new blood has stepped up to take the challenge! I am proud to announce Fremoc as HMRs new AED! He did well as a BTL and it will be interesting to come up with new ideas with him. So make sure you give him a nice welcome!
Tyren Atema is the new Roll Master of Clan Naga Sadow. This means he will be in charage of the new people as well as the Master Student program. So if you are in need of a master or an apprentice make sure you look him up!!! The MSP is a great program, and helps you by far learn things and gain great friends. I know my masters all the way from Manji, to Macron, to Ashura, to Shinichi, has all shown me many things. Both Zaxen, and Fremoc were my apprentices, as was Teu, I know they have learned a lot and have succeeded beyond their trials to have fun.
I applaud you all. You have been doing a great job! Though we could always use more support. Going away to Atlanta unfortunately hurt me in my run on participation which is something I love very much to do but you guys are doing a FANTASTIC job at that as well as the other events!! I know a couple of the graders for the Feud, ie. Ashura, and DS for the SA courses, were at DCON so a bit of a lag in the grading of some the events has happened but dont worry the results are on the way!!!
This is the LAST WEEK! The last week to show HLK that we deserve the right to be the First House of Clan Naga Sadow! So make sure you get out there and kick some butt!!
However the delay has also made the list that they send to me of who participated in what not come through so I have a very short list of what has happened. Most of you have CCd me on your events which is GREAT, MAKE SURE YOU CC ME ON YOUR SUBMISSIONS!!! However please email me with a list of the events you have participated in, this makes sure you receive the credit you are deserved. It also double checks incase the email didnt go through or something.
Battle Teams
I have not received a report from Raven on the Night Hawks this week, so this will have to be sent out at a different time.
Night Raptors are still looking for a New BTL so if you think you would like to give it a try emails myself, Fremoc, Ashura, and Manji your application. You must be a GRD or higher and include your plans for your Battle Team.
Puzzel Master Comp
Unfortunately we did not fair as well in this past week of this competition as we had in the first week, however week three is now out so go and take part!!! If you do not have the email for it, email myself or Xander and we will make sure you get a copy. This week is Sudoku!!
Shadow Academy
Isabella Quinn passed Pre-Republic History! Awesome job!!!
Isabella Quinn passed Dark Brotherhood Basics! Great work!!
None yet this week, however I know there are a bunch in cue as well as there will be more coming for the Feud!
In Closing
THANK YOU!!! For all that you are doing in the Feud! It is because of your efforts that we may just get to keep the title of First House! So keep it up! After all you dont want HLK to think we are so easy to take things from do you?
Night Raptors BTL is open for applications, you have until September 16th to get those in.
Email myself and Fremoc your participation in the Feud.
Go do the Feud:
Brand New AED and RM! Make sure you congratulate them!
You guys rock!
My door is always open so feel free to drop me a line. However on that note while I was away I got over 900 email messages, some of which I am still going through, however if you wrote to me and did not get a response, please send it again!!!
KAP Jades A Sadow (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
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