Quaestor Report #7
In case none of you know yet (Hard to believe, I know) Vodo Biask Taldrya is the new Taldryan Consul! It was awesome to see Vodo go from AED, to QUA, to PCON and now CON. It gives hope to peeps like me ;) So if you have not already said it, Congrats Vodo!
With PCON now vacant, ProConsul applications have been open for a couple of weeks now, and close today (the 5th, Monday), along with Dinaari Quaestor applications. If you are interested in any of these positions, you best get your Apps in ASAP.
Another thing to note is the new Fiction update published and sent to the Clan by Vodo. It is a good read, and there is some trivia on it as well with Legions of the Scholars up for grabs.
Also, please welcome Jedi Hunter Tirna Qjira to Ektrosis!
APP Amelia Duskshard to the rank of Novice! Keep up with those promotion requirements Amelia, and you will be JH/DJK in no time!
ACO RianAslar was promoted to the prestigious rank of Protector! Just like Amelia, if you keep true to your requirements and show that you want it, the promotions will come with ease.
Congrats guys, and I hope to be able to add more of promos next report!
Shadow Academy:
SBM Starrett passed Astronomy exam in the SA. Keep it up Mr. AED!
PRT RianAslar has passed the Obelisk Core exam, Light Saber Studies, Advanced Light Saber Studies, Hand to Hand Combat, Astronomy, Starship Studies, Capital Starships Studies, and Freighters and Transports.
NOV Amelia Duskshard passed the Obelisk Core, Conflict Mediation, Wiki Studies and the Brotherhood Basics exams!
KP Lokasena Sena Corvinus was awarded a Crescent with an Emerald Star for placing in Tetrarch Bubbles competition, Revenge. Grats mate!
OT Shazair Sidarace Rathden was awarded a Dark Cross.
- Grand Master Report was released the other day by Muz. Lots of information in it as well as an awesome fiction update at the beginning! Click here to see GM report. Also, Muz is awarding members Dark Crosses who post questions on his Ask the GM message board thread that hold some value to them and are worth re-posting into his reports. For the Thread, click Here.
- Taldryan Proconsul and Dinaari Quaestor Applications closed today, so we await Vodos word on both positions. If any of you applied, I wish you the best of luck!
-Naga Sadow and Clan Scholae Palatinae are looking for Proconsuls , so if you are interested I encourage anyone who meets the requirements to go for it. Also, CNS is also looking for a QUA. If you are capable of EITHER of these positions, then I should not have to show where to find the requirements for them and where to send your apps.
-Fiction Tribune Report was released, and Eludajae has already gotten to work on her RPG playing field. To sign up, view these links: News Post and Sign-Up thread, and the RPG guide itself here.
- Dark Sage Writing course is running, and Oberst is taking in applications for that, so send him one if you want to be in the course. Link: Here.
- If you see a Tarentum CON report on the DB site, dont be alarmed. Muz has asked for the Clans to post their CON reports on the main page to make it more alive. Makes sense, but be prepared to be reading a lot of dull reports on other Clans.
House Ektrosis:
Clan Taldryan:
Dark Jedi Brotherhood:
Well, it has been a busy two weeks for me, you, and the DB. As you can see, there have been a lot of changes going on in the DB and the Clan, so be lucky everything is staying together.
I highly suggest to all who have not already to read the Fiction updates that will be put out by Vodo and do the Trivia for them, as you will receive LoSs for the top 3 members. This is an awesome way to get extra stuff on your dossier and counts as participation. Also, dont forget to Cc (Means email more than one person at once) Starrett and myself on ALL competition submissions. I dont care who you are or what rank you are, if you are in Ektrosis you MUST send your submissions to your house Summit, even if the competition specifics do not require it: I do.
Have a good week all, and feel free to catch either me or Starrett on IRC or shoot us an email should you have any questions.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood | DJB Wiki | DJB Message Boards | DJB Competitions Page
Clan Taldryan Website | Promotion Guidelines | Taldryan Competitions | Ektrosis Roster
- Vodo Biask Taldrya [Log in to view e-mail addresses] [Log in to view e-mail addresses] < br>
-House Ektrosis Quaestor Shazair Sidarace Rathden [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-House Ektrosis Aedile Starrett -- [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-Battleteam Leader Phoenix Phyle Bubbles Taldrya [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Until then,
Obelisk Templar Shazair Sidarace Rathden
Quaestor of House Ektrosis of Clan Taldran PIN# 9193
_ House Ektrosis shall be an open threshold for those who pursue excellence in leadership and activity. With the banner of Taldryan before us we will prove our strength and ingenuity throughout the Brotherhood upon every platform that creates this great club, reciting our motto: Descendants of Darkness, Heirs to Hate_
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