Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Hello there Raptors. Yet again I am sorry to have no special graphics for this weeks report, I have been really swamped with RL stuff and haven't had a chance to update the graphics since my promotion. But enough with that. Lets move on to real news...

This has been a rather slow week in regular Night Raptors standards but I can't really say much about that as I have been there too. I am a little confounded that nobody competed in the simple flash game competition I ran last week if not for the easy Crescents. But on to the good stuff. Operation Black Train came to an end this week and the top 3 were... you guessed it... Night Raptors. Congrads to Baki for taking first and Severus for taking second, Your fearless Mando'ade BTL took third place to ensure that the Raptors dominated that comp. Keep up the good work, Everyone.

Now a listing of a few current competitions.

Battle Ready

This is kind of important to me because it will help the Night Raptors wiki page get a good image of its members.

Halloween Party

This is a pretty cool writing comp that Teu is running for the Halloween season.

Operation Black Train 2.0

This is the second running of this comp and I want to see the Raptors dominate it once again.

All Comps

Okay. Now that that part is done let me get to the activities listing for the last week.


Crescent with Emerald

Cluster of Fire x2


Pre-Republic History

Crescent with Sapphire


Crescent with Emerald

Crescent with Amethyst

Cluster of Fire x2

Wiki Basics

IRC BAsics


Advanced Lightsaber Studies

Good work everyone and keep it up. We are gonna keep building up how much of a great team we are and try and parjin every last hurtle thrown our way. With that I am gonna finish this report and go off to enjoy a bottle of tihaar.


Buy'ce gal, buy'ce tal

Vebor'ad ures aliit

Mhi draar baat'i meg'parjii'se

Kote lo'shebs'ul narit

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