Good day Nightwraiths!
I am waiting approval on a competition for the battle team that will determine our official motto. We are currently without one. The comp will be coming shortly and the winning submission will become our official motto and go up on our BT web page, so put your thinking caps on. Don't miss this chance to make a permanent contribution to the team.
The Clan fiction is still going on while Anshar is LOA, so keep reading the story in the forums in the absence of the story arc competitions.
While we wait for story arc comps, brush up on your gaming and story writing with the many, many Clan and House comps that are happening now. Many are ending soon so hurry!
We have had two roster changes in the last week. First of all Adien d'Tana has left the team to focus on his new role as the House's Rollmaster. Thanks for everything, Adien!
In his place has come one of the most promising new members we've had for a while, Teia Coran. Everyone please join me in welcoming her to the team! Great to have you, Teia!
Along those lines, there are some nice words for Teia on the main page of the DB website from Taigikori Aybara Dupar praising her character history. I encourage everyone to take a look!
Teia Coran
-passed ACC basics.
-promoted to Acolyte. Congrats!
I also would like for all the members, especially the two Flight team Leaders, to think about what kind of combat/operations you would like to specialize in, if anything. This is something that could be used in Clan, House, and/or BT fiction down the road. It will give just a little more depth to the team.
That's all for today! Keep an eye out for new BT competitions, I have several in mind. The motto comp sohuld be coming very shortly.
Of course if you ever have any ideas, comments, or concerns about the BT or its direction please feel free to shoot me an email or PM me when I'm on mIRC so we can discuss it!
Thanks and have a great day!
DJK Tier-Avis Nami
Cestus of Tarentum
Nightwraiths Commander
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