*Remade in the image of the Shadesworn *
Etahs dark form stepped into the soft light of the Galeres Barracks. The entire house was gathered around the long tables of the dining facility, as was the tradition for meetings of this nature. Etahs demonic visage was flanked by the lithe and pale frame of the Galeres Aedile. They had been through much together, first in the Prophecy Phyle and then as a leadership team. They remained loyal to each other throughout, something very rare in a Brotherhood of Dark Jedi.
Together the two stood on the dais, looking as night and day. The black-skinned Sakiyan and the pale-hued human looked out among the members of their house. Humans and aliens of many different kinds were scattered around the room, all expectant. They all knew they were here for the unveiling of the final form of the Shadesworn reorganization, they just didnt know what else they were gathered to hear.
The Sakiyan motioned for his current battle team leaders to walk to the stage: Xuthen for Dark Curse, Jafits Skrumm for Blue Mist, Celahir for Soulfire. The three stood at their various places within the crowd and came to the stage. They stood equally spaced behind Etah and Zakath. This represented the old organization, under orthodox Brotherhood structure and the infancy of the Shadesworn training scheme.
With a few exceptions, none of us knew the Clan Arcona of the Emperors Hammer, Etah said addressing the assembled crowd for the first time. The Clan Arcona of the Coronada system. He said, pausing. The independent House Arcona was originally founded as something of a think tank. A group of Dark Jedi coming together to study saber fighting and the force without the outside influences of ancient Sith Lords or temporal military powers.
When the Independent House Arcona became the Clan Arcona we became kind of aimless as a group. That is, until we found Kali. He said, pausing to see how many had the look or recognition on their faces and how many remained blank. Kali was a small planet in the Coronada system. Because of an erratic rotation, half of the planet was bathed in eternal darkness. That half contained ruins and relics that our Krath scholars translated. Those ruins and relics spoke of an ancient race that used the force to control the Shadows themselves Etah paused again.
That became the basis for what we now call the Shadesworn, but was then a mere Cult of Shadows. When we fled Emperors Hammer space we chose Dajorra for our new home and we did so for many reasons, but chief among them; Arcona Secundus. Secondus was also a world of eternal night, a world where gassy clouds block most light, letting only a small amount slip through to cast shadows. Secondus contained ruins and relics of a lost race, a species and culture of Shadow Weavers. Etah said, continuing his tale.
Were that the end our tale, we would have remained a mere Cult of Shadows. But the ancient race of Shadows left something else in Dajorra, Etah paused, perhaps a bit dramatically. Followers, the Quaestor said, pausing again. The Selenian Shadow Weavers were a native force tradition descended from the teachings of that ancient race. Consul Mejas Doto learned from them what he could and slaughtered the rest. With that, the core of our Clan ascended from a mere Shadow Cult, to what would soon be called Shadesworn.
Vorion was the first one to utter the phrase Shadesworn aloud, during his short tenure as Proconsul. But Consul Sashar was the first to bring the existence of the Shadesworn to the rest of the Clan and indeed the Brotherhood. Under Proconsul Braecen, the entire Clan Arcona will be remade in the Shadesworns image. That is why we are here today, to watch the secret cult of Shadows that has always been the core of the Shadow Clan, become the Clan.
Celahir Erinos, of Soulfire Strike Team. Please approach the dais Etah called in a commanding tone.
Moving Quaestor! Celahir called out from his position behind the House Summit. Sergeant Celahir Erinos, reporting as Ordered, Cel called out again as he came to a stop in front of the dais.
Soulfire Strike Team has been the heart of Galeres and indeed Arcona for some time now. It has always been a part of our beloved Cult of Shadows and thus, will remain with us as Arcona is reborn into the Shadesworn. Etah said, speaking of the Clans history once again. Do you, Celahir, accept the mantle of the Shadesworn? Do you possess the mettle to see Soulfire through the coming transition? the Sakiyan Quaestor asked the human Sergeant.
Hooah! the Kiffar grunted affirmatively.
Etah nodded to someone out in the distance. Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae stood from among the seated Soulfirians and approached the dais; he seemed to be carrying something under his Shadesworn robes. The relatively short human stood in front of Celahir with his back toward the dais. From under his robes he pulled out a helmet for the Dar'Verd Combat Environment Suit, with the Jaig Eyes etched onto it. Presenting it to Celahir, they shook hands.
The Jaig Eyes are traditionally given for bravery on the field of combat, and this is given for that, but also the bravery to see Soulfire through this time of change. Thank you very much and please step back onto the dais, Etah narrated. Celahir stepped back onto the dais to his former position and Zandro followed him, coming to rest directly behind him.
Juda Kodiak Erinos Etah called out Please approach the dais.
Moving Quaestor! Juda called out from his seat amongst the rest of Soulfire. He came to where Celahir had stood minutes prior. Juda of the Kodiak Clan reporting as Ordered, the Kiffar dutifully announced.
Do you, Juda, accept the mantle of the Shadesworn? Do you possess the mettle to help see Galeres through the coming transition? the Sakiyan asked the diminutive human.
Yes. was Judas only response.
The Sakiyan stepped down from the small stage, stopping in front of Juda. He produced a large black war hammer. It was made out of valuable obsidian and was graced with ordinate carvings. Will you hold this Black Hammer high and strike down all enemies of the Shadesworn? Etah asked further.
Yes Juda resolved.
The Sakiyan stepped toward the human and pressed the Hammer into his hand. Very well, take this Hammer as a mandate Etah said walking back to the dais. With a wave of his hand Juda stepped onto the dais and walked to Jafits Skrumms position. JScumm moved back, standing behind Juda, in the same way Zandro stood behind Celahir. The Quaestor nodded toward his Aedile and Zakath moved toward the dais and he stepped back.
Xuthen, Xathia, approach the dais, the pale looking human said while standing at the podium. If you didnt know him, he might seem nervous. But in reality he was a pillar of confidence. The two relatively short humans approached the small stage and came to stop about where the others had, just in front of Zakath. Xuthen, do you accept the mantle of the Shadesworn? Do you possess the mettle to help see Galeres through the coming transition?
Yes, I do the Archpriest responded regally.
The Galeres Aedile turned around to his Quaestor and retrieved a box or frame of some kind. Opening the frame he pulled out two daggers. The blades were dark and contained insignia that werent visible at a distance. Will you take hold of these daggers of Fire and of Ice and drive them through the heart of all who oppose the Shadesworn? the Galeres Aedile asked solemnly.
I will Xuthen responded with conviction.
Zakath affixed a badge to her collar. Take these daggers as a mandate. he said handing the daggers to Xuthen, who took one in each hand.
Xathia, do you accept the mantle of the Shadesworn? Do you possess the mettle to help see Galeres through the coming transition?
Yes, I do responded the Krath Priest.
Zakath turned around to Etah once again and retrieved an identical box. Opening the frame he pulled out the same two daggers. Dark like the others you could now make out symbols of fire and what must be ice. Will you take hold of these daggers of Fire and of Ice and drive them through the heart of all who oppose the Shadesworn? the gaunt human inquired.
I will Xathia swore.
Take these daggers as a mandate the Aedile said affixing a badge to her collar and then handing the daggers to Xuthen, who carried one in each hand, Zakath. The Galeres Aedile stepped back onto the podium, and took position behind Etah who stepped back toward the podium. Etah nodded and both Xuthen and Xathia took positions on the stage, with Xathia standing behind Xuthen.
Etah looked out among the crowd. The future of Galeres, ladies and gentleman. he said to the assembled members of Galeres. Soulfire Strike Team led by the Tandem of Celahir Erinos and Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae, Black Hammer Brigade led by the Tandem of Juda Kodiak Erinos and Jafits Skrumm and Sukhur's Legion, led by the Tandem of Xuthen and Xathia.
There is one more matter to attend too. Etah said, his voice echoing across the dining facility. My time as Quaestor has been amazing and I wish I had made more of it. But my Aedile Zakath represents Galeress future while in many ways I represent its past. With that in mind, the Clan Summit has asked for me to serve the Shadesworn in a different capacity. I will be Magistrate to the Consul, assisting the Pro-Consul. But I leave you in better hands than my own, as Zakath will pick up where I have left off as Quaestor, the Sakiyan said, looking somewhat pained.
I promise you that this will not be the last you see or hear of me, Galeres. Etah solemnly vowed. Arcona Invicta, in Aeternum! he cried out. The now former Quaestor strode out of the stadium amid cheers of Arcona Invicta! from the crowd.
Shadesworn Reorganization
As most of you know; Arcona is undergoing a monumental reorganization. This will affect you most directly because every person will be in a battle team. Soulfire as the House Galeres honor Team is still closed to enrollment but in the place of Dark Curse (the first Shadesworn Tandem) and the Blue Mist Squadron, will be Sukhur's Legion and the Black Hammer Brigade, lead by Xuthen and Juda respectively, with Xathia and JScumm serving as seniors.
You may have noticed that you have already been placed in a battle team. This was just to expedite the project. We put you where we thought you would do the best in, but if you have another preference let the Summit know and Im pretty sure they will do their best to accommodate you.
Sukhur's Legion
Sukhur's Legion will first and foremost be part of Galeres and will be trained as such. Sukhur's Legion will focus on the more direct approach of urban combat. This entails close combat, hand-to-hand fighting, Lightsaber skills and the Force Powers needed to hone these skills to perfection. However, entering a volatile situation does not just require fighting skills, but also scouting, sniping and other means to defuse threats in a hostile environment. Sukhur's Legion will train, work and fight as a team, but if needed, each of Sukhur's Legion will be able to show their specific skills whenever and wherever needed.
Black Hammer Brigade
The Black Hammer Brigade is a heavy-armoured company made up of two combined-arms fire teams of infantry and armour, commissioned shortly after the 9th Great Jedi War as part of the Arcona Armoured Division attached to the NSD Invicta. The main application of Black Hammer is to penetrate enemies defensive lines through use of forceful manoeuvring and heavy firepower. Due to the logistics required, Black Hammer mostly only encounters combat in important theatres of war and for the most part, spends her time in training for such an occurrence.
Special Thanks
I want to take the time to thank a few people who have made my short time as Quaestor of my beloved House Galeres, one hell of a ride.
Dash: There was about two IRL years where I can honestly say I disliked you, as much as anyone can dislike an internet persona. Its taken me about six months to realize that the things you have told me over the course of that time that I didnt want to hear, the things I thought were totally unreasonable, were the things I needed to hear and understand to step up to that next level and actively contribute to my clan in positive ways. Whatever success I may have in the Brotherhood later on is likely due to you.
Ninj: I dont think many Quaestors can claim to have learned as much from their Aediles as I have learned from you. I dont think many in the brotherhood have experienced the very real loyalty and support that you have given me. Without you I would have never made it this far and I will never forget it.
Braecen: I want to thank you for seeing potential in me, and working so hard to help develop my skills in leadership, management and project development. I look forward to working with you in the future, in Arcona and beyond.
Talos: Say what you will about Talos, you can call him a Clan hopper, you can call him a cloner, but he has tons of gumption. He admits his fault, he took his punishment on the chin and instead of abandoning the Brotherhood, and he is fighting to regain the rank and respect he lost. The drive to never give up is the very definition of nobility.
Xathia: Youve been in Arcona almost as long as I have been and Id like to think well both be here for a long time still. We dont always see eye to eye, but I will always value your loyalty and contributions to Clan Arcona.
Juda: The enthusiasm you have shown in pursuit of building your team is refreshing and I look forward to watching you grow as a leader.
Where we go from here
The Shadesworn are taking over and I am leading the charge! lol. I wont be Quaestor but I am going to be helping the Clan and House Summits with Clan information (web sites and wikis and whatnot), fictional development and whatever else they throw my way. Support is a tad less glamorous than leadership but it will give me the time to devote to the projects I have wanted to do for several months now. You guys will keep kicking ass and taking names. Come January well bust our humps and wipe the floor with all the other clans who seem to think their still better than us.
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