<font size="4">Kaira turned to Cassie with a soft giggle. Do you think this will work?
Of course it will. Just be quiet. Cassie said with a big smile to Kaira.
The two of them had been planning a prank of sorts on some of the new arrives. It had taken some time not only to set up but to plan as well. The pair had just finished all the prep work in one of the small training rooms at Alpha base. Kaira had made sure to send out a notice to all journeymen to show up just about now.
Just then Lady Charlotte Love one of there newest members came to the door of the training hall. As the door opened there was a loud swishing sound but the girl did not even blink. Then as the young woman stepped into the room there were screamed then the sound of her running away.
This caused Kaira and Cassie to laugh but they did not have time to laugh long as a few more show up in a group. Kaira wondered if they might have run into Charlotte but they were just talking away with out a care so she did not think so. After a few moments she waited but the group did not come out. Cassie and Kaira went to check on the group.
As the doors opened Kaira smiled. The group had destroyed everything with the help of the force. She bowed to them as Cassie did as well. Very good. You are free for the rest of the day.
The four looked very surprised but happy by the fact they had done so well on a test. Others still had a lot to learn. </font>
<font color="#b60c00"><font size="4">Happy Halloween everyone, well with that said lets get to some news. As you all well know Kogas contests end to night so if you have some free time go have fun.
So my coloring contests and Carving a pumpkin contest are all over. So I need to name winners and show you all the entries. Let me get started then. </font>
<font color="#e66904"><font size="4">Dark, dark! The horror of darkness, like a shroud, wraps me and bears me on through mist and cloud. -Sophocles -Oedipus Rex</font>
<font color="#800517"><font size="5">Coloring Contest</font>
<font color="#571B7e">1st Eridanis Aquila</font>
<font color="#800517">2nd DJK Cassandra El'sin</font>
<font color="#2554C7">3rd Arcadian</font>
<font color="#571B7e">Scarlett Raven</font>
<font color="#2554C7">Onteron</font>
<font color="#800517">Kal Vorrac</font>
<font color="#2554C7">Drocko the Hutt</font>
<font color="#800517">Mograine</font>
<font color="#2554C7">Octavia</font>
<font color="#800517">Vexer</font>
<font color="#800517"><font size="5">Carving Contest</font>
<font color="#571B7e">1st Eridanis Aquila</font>
<font color="#2554C7">2nd Drocko the Hutt</font>
<font color="#800517">3rd Mograine</font>
<font color="#571B7e">Scarlett Raven</font>
<font color="#2554C7">Necal</font>
<font color="#800517">Cassandra El'sin</font>
<font color="#800517">Vexer</font>
<font color="#800517">Jendan</font>
<font color="#b60c00"><font size="4">Congrats to the winners and all those that entered. It was very hard to chose winners but in the end I felt I picked the ones I liked the best.</font>
<font color="#e66904"><font size="4">Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen,Voices whisper in the trees, "Tonight is Halloween!"</font>
<font color="#b60c00"><font size="4">Since today is Halloween and this is a special report it will look different then my normal report. Normaly at this time I would go into contests and medals but today I am going to share with you some Halloween links you might want to try.</font>
<font color="#800517"><font size="5">Stories</font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4">THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW</font></font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4">The Tell-Tale Heart</font></font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4"> Spooky Urban Legends</font></font>
<font color="#800517"><font size="5">Poems</font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4">The Raven</font></font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4">Vincent Price reading the raven</font></font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4">The Cremation of Sam McGee</font></font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4">The Cremation of Sam McGee video</font></font>
<font color="#800517"><font size="5">Songs</font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4">Vincent Price's Monster Mash</font></font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4">Micheal Jackson Thriller</font></font>
<font color="#800517"><font size="5">Halloween Cartoons</font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4">Donald Duck - Trick Or Treat</font></font>
<font color="#393bed"><font size="4">Lonesome Ghosts</font></font>
-> <imgsrc="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v456/AerwinTurner/Star%20Wars/ClosingRM1.gif?t=1244575091"> <- <p>
<font color="#b60c00"><font size="4">I will leave you now to have fun on your Halloween. My normal report will be out Tuesday you can look for all the up dates on things then. I hope you all have a great day and this small report will give you all something to look at today.
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!</font>
<font color="#e66904"><font size="4">Hark! Hark to the wind! 'Tis the night, they say,
When all souls come back from the far away-
The dead, forgotten this many a day!</font>
<font color="#571B7e">#10057 KAP Kaira Rohana(Krath)/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:1]
SB / GC / SC / AC / DC / SN-BL / Cr-1D-1R-9A-13S-22E-11T-8Q / CF-SF / SI-BL / SoL / LS / S:-21U
Prodigy of Plagueis
Rollmaster of HSK
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