So heres report number dos, sit back, plug in some tunes and read along.
-Great Hunt-
The Great Hunt is well underway, thank you again for all your participation, keep it up and maybe well walk away as Arconas 1st Battleteam with a few medals under our belt.
Dash made me mojitos last night, they were good, I was slightly sizzled.
Other than the Great Hunt which everyone is aware about there are still the Black Hammer competitions out there. The motto comp ends tomorrow at midnight GMT so make sure to send those in for me. The fictional campaign is still running until the 5th so there is no rush for that as of yet.
There is also a Wiki Enhancement comp, all you have to do is explain why your character is best suited to their chosen hand to hand form. I know a couple of you guys are working on your wikis anyway and this is an easy way to get some crescents while updating your wiki at the same time.
Juda Kodiak- Dark Cross
(Not too many this week, but by the end of next week!!) Dances
-==Shadow Academy=--
Llats Ordo- Sith Core with a score of 92
None this week but Im aiming at seeing a couple of you promoted sharpish, keep up all the hard work.
-Track of the Week-
Bulletproof by La Roux
-Last Thoughts-
Just a short and sweet one this time folks as Im getting gently riddled while writing this, you are doing me proud in the Hunt, keep up the activity for Black Hammer and keep on the road to promotion. Most of you have found your way to #Blackhammer on irc and it is here youll most likely be able to catch me for a chat, advice or any help you guys need.
The Black Hammer wiki is also its way, Arack has kindly spent the time and effort to create the Ballistic Combat Armour range for us, which you can check out here;
If any of you guys would like to add to anything feel free and give me a shout, Black Hammer is as much yours as it is mine.
Until next time, keep on drinking and give em hell, happy Halloween!
-Lieutenant Juda Kodiak Erinos
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