Back again, this time for more in-depth reporting. A lot has been going on over the past month. From Run-Ons and ACC Comps to gaming and picking on Manji, something can always be found to do. Right then, down to the dirty stuff.
-First on the docket, Clan Rollmaster is open to applications. We really need someone who can stick the position out and work with the Summit on Clan related projects. If you're interested in applying, please look below for the requirements.
**Rank of Dark Jedi Knight or higher
Previous experience of leadership at Battleteam, House or Clan level
Email turnaround time of 48 hours (preferred), 72 hours (required)**
-The Rite of Supremacy is fast approaching, and with that I've opened up my Jedi Outcast Training Sessions. Should you need a copy of the game, email me for further details. Our first in-game practice will take place on Saturday, November 14th at 5PM EST. Manji already has his copy up and running, so you'll at least get to watch your PCON beat the crap out of your CON.
-If you didn't already notice, Ashura was placed as my Black Guard. He's an excellent member of this club and clan, and he was really the only person I considered to have this honor. Give him a congratulations if you see him.
-Hailing from distant worlds, Stormreaver and Carth Rathbor have recently joined Clan Naga Sadow. Welcome!
I'm very proud of all of you who have been knocking out these competitions left and right. Just a few moments ago I got over 45 emails from the MAA Office, with multiple people earning more than 4 Crescents at once. Makes a PCON smile.
**_Severus L'eonheart: Promoted to Guardian, Awarded a Dark Cross, Earned 1 Cr. w/Topaz Star, and 5 Cr. w/Emerald Star.
William Darkfire: Earned 1 Cr. w/Emerald Star.
Tyren Atema: Earned 1 Cr. w/Topaz Star.
Ulfsark: Earned 1 Cr. w/Quartz Star.
Bal Demona: Earned 1 Cr. w/Emerald Star, and 5 Cr. w/Topaz Star.
Kano Verda: Earned 1 Cr. w/Quartz Star.
Kalei Basai: Earned 5 Cr. w/Quartz Star._**
**_Teu Pepoi: Passed CNS History, HotSEIII, Grammar Studies, and Sith CORE. Earned the DMC Degree.
Severus L'eonheart: Passed Leadership Fundamentals, Obelisk CORE, and HTML Basics._**
Naga Sadow-wide
The Second Sadow Dueling Championship
Marka Ragnos
HMR Quaestor's Challenge - NOV
Ludo Kressh
Lots of goodies on the horizon, Manji and I will be the first to let you know about them when the time comes. Until then, stay active, have fun and I'll see you next time!
His Honor,
Taigikori Aybara Dupar
Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow
Praetor to the Headmaster
Right Hand of Justice
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