I'd like to begin this report with some apologies, apologies for not reporting on time but in the last few weeks I had some health issues which greatly decreased the time I could spend on the PC. I felt like I had literally an allergic reaction to it lol. Anyways, now I'm feeling better and since I know you missed it...Time for another Quaestor report.
So what's been happening since my last report...Well Anshar stepped down and Oberst took his place. Ronovi is now PCON, and for some reason I find Ronovi to be the female alter ego of Oberst, but in a good way (If you could say such a thing about Oberst:P). With this pair up, I think we will be doing great in the forthcoming Rite of Supremacy.
The Day of the Fox was celebrated on the 6th of November. For those of you who don't know what that is, the darkbrotherhood that you see today exists because, a few years ago, some of the leaders of that time (including our very own Oberst) decided that we don't need the crap the EH leaders were giving us at that time and we decided to split from the Emperror's Hammer organization (some didn't but most of the DB did). Lucky for us, it turned out to be a good decision, and the era that followed was know as the post split era. More info cand be found HERE. And to commemorate GM Firefox' decision, Seal's of Loyalty are awarded each year. From the four members of Tarentum that received a SoL, three were from Tridens: Kyra, Korras and me. This is a highly valuable and sought off medal as it rewards loyalty and dedication for the clan and brotherhood. So congrats Kyra and Korras.
In the competition department, The Broken Sword has ended and me and Cypha tied for 2nd place overall we could have won it but Ronovi was slightly better. Now there's Oberst's Clan Skirmishes going on and I think only ACC is still on at this time. So go ahead and participate. All you have to do is challenge some one from the clan in a quick skirmish.
Ronovi's "blank to blank" just started and it's an easy and fun way to get an easy medal. Just check out the emails from her.
Regarding my competition, "Presents for the Quaestor", I received some great entries but I decided on the following top three: 1st Kyra, 2nd Evant, 3rd Raiju. And I liked all the presents thank you very much. Medals will be in your inbox as soon as possible. :)
And let's not forget the famous competition...
" The only source of knowledge is experience. "
Competition specifics HERE. First three that email me the quoted person get points The standings are: Kyra 1st, Godo 2nd and Cypha 3rd. This will be the last quote I send in so after this, medals should be coming in shortly.
## Useful links:
Competitions: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionListing.asp
Shadow Academy: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/
IRC chat info: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp
Forum: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/
Tridens' Roll: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewunit.asp?ID=17
## Conclusion
That's pretty much it, for a more detailed report on medals and competition check out Kyra's reports. Sorry if missed anything, I think I'm getting rusty. :)
OE Frosty Romanae Tarentae (Obelisk)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum [GMRG: SN1] [ACC: CN:1]
GC-PoTP / SC-CoP / AC-ToSC / DC-GP / GN / SN-AuL / BN-BL / Cr-5R-10A-10S-7E-4T-2Q / PoB-AgL / CF-SpF / DSS-BL / SI-AgL / SoL-BE / LS-AuL / S:-7M-4R-5Al-9C-11D-2Do-2Dk-6P-11U
Heir of Tarentum
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