From the Office of the Quaestor
Greetings esteemed members,
There really hasnt been a whole hell of a lot going on this week what with my new addiction to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, however I did manage to choose a new Battleteam Leader, make two comps that are currently pending, and I'll be planning for Competitions geared towards preparing us for the RoS this coming week. With the Rite of Supremacy coming in early January I feel that we all should be doing what we can to prepare ourselves and our members. The Equites need to wake up and the Journeyman need to prove themselves. I wont say "Participate and you will be rewarded!" That promise is so outdated, you should automatically assume that your leaders are watching and doing their jobs. Trust me, we are <glares> We're like Santa Claus in so many ways. We know when you've been naughty and or nice, we know how hard you work and how much you clog up the roster with inactivity, we will even hand out presents to those deserving. I'm getting sick of people squeaking by and to be honest if we didnt already have a low membership count most of the people here would be AWOL'ed.
Yet, there is a glimmer of hope for House Exar Kun. We have solid leadership who is eager to help make this House stable so that if we ever needed to step down for whatever reason, we would know that this House could strive and prosper well in to the future. Such leaders in this House are -
Koga Kage, Rollmaster - A man that has been working very hard to get the newer members actively participating. To be honest, Rollmaster is a thankless job and there is a lot of work involved that few ever see. Keep up the great work Koga!
Octavia Kuga, Aedile - She is a kind person who wants the best for her House. Currently she is absorbing knowledge from me. Learning how to become a strong willed, yet compassionate leader. We can expect to see great things from her.
Mehrunes 'Bane' Dagon, Battleteam Leader - I chose Mehrunes for the position of Battleteam Leader because his vision for the team matches my own in so many ways. He wants to organize and re-structure the team in to something devestating and loyal. He wrote an excellent application and will serve his post well. Congratulations Mehrunes.
Excellent, as I'm sitting here writing this report, I glanced to my email and saw that my Competitions have just been approved. The first Competition is an IRC Quote Competition. I like to use these to promote IRC activity. Plus these can be quite hilarious and amusing.
Details - Title: [HEK] IRC Quote Competition
This is simple. Find as many quotes on IRC as possible. The funniest three
will win medals. Cant be any easier.
Start Date: 11/22/2009
End Date: 11/28/2009
Unit in Competition: House Exar Kun
IRC, and Notepad, Wordpad, Word etc....
Fourth Level Crescents to the top three submissions.
Send all submissions to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The next Competition is a fiction event. Basically I want you all to use your imaginations and come up with an additional piece of history for you characters.
Details - Title: HEK Character Development
This is simple, what I would like for you to do is -
Write a fiction atleast 1 page in length using 12 point font. This fiction
can be about anything you want it to be as long as it delves in to the
past and or present of your character. I'm looking for in depth pieces
that will actually add something new to your characters. Articles on your
wiki pages (If you have one) will NOT be tolerated. If you copy and paste,
your submission will be invalid.
Use your imaginations.
Start Date: 11/23/2009
End Date: 12/6/2009
Unit in Competition: House Exar Kun
Any writing platform. I would prefer you use Wordpad.
Third Level Crescents to the top three placers.
Once I have worked out the details of RoS preparation the Leaders and I will be running a series of RoS style competitions so that we can gauge you on your skills. This is a wargame and tactics are necessary if we plan on winning. Yes, I want everyone to participate and have fun, we just need to be careful not to fall in to any traps. You'll get more details shortly.
Our very own Impetus has been awarded a Ruby Scepter. It is an honor to receive such an award and it makes me proud to see that her hard work has paid off. Very well done Impetus, everyone congratulate her if you see her.
Mehrunes has taken and passed the HTML advanced course!
Impetus has taken and passed the Writing Studies course!
Imichua has transferred from the rogues back in to Exar Kun!
If anyone out there is a graphics junkie, I'm in need of Report headers. These not only make your report sexy but they make it sexy. If anyone has the skills to make something pwntastic for me get in touch or make something up and send it to me. You will be rewarded (Argh cliche) but you will :P
In Closing
I would like to remind everyone that effort is just as good as excellence. This House is turning around, I can see it already, we just need to pull together, be strong, active, and loyal.
Until next time,
This is your Quaestor Signing Off
~SWL Quejo Drakai
-Quaestor of House Exar Kun
-Brigadier Admiral, Clan Plagueis Navy</glares>
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