**Tracking for Night Raptors Sergeant
Current Status: On Mission
Location: Unknown**
System is unable to find Night Raptors Sergeant, Guardian Severus L'eonheart. Additional searches for Battleteam members yielding negative results. Last known heading: Refuge.
i) News
ii) Competitions
iii) Specific Updates
iv) Activity, Awards and Promotions
v) Conclusion
Report time yet again, it's reaching that time of year where it's crunch-time for virtually everyone so I'm making this report a little streamlined.
Not much in terms of fictional developments as a good deal of Naga Sadow are participating in the Underworld Run-on so most of our current fictional juices are flowing towards it. If you haven't jumped into the Run-on yet there's still open availability and its a good way to get to know your fellow Sadowans.
As per usual, until the end of the month I'll be reporting in on all of your awards, updates and current status on the Trump the Commander competition (as much as that title is only partly right. Ready to move on? Here we go.
Comps, comps and more comps. An easy way to get the details without loading the pages :P. Here it is:
DB Wiki: So Tell Me About Yourself
The Second Sadow Dueling Championship
Competitions are being released on a weekly basis with almost two or three a week. Keep an eye out and you'll get awards before the others.
Only really one big bombshell to drop here today but it's enough to keep us going, also a huge point shift in the Trump the Commander competition so take a look there.
Gavin: New Addition to the Night Raptors
Kano: Promoted to Dark Jedi Knight.
Trump the Commander Standings:
A bit of a point shift this week as a couple of you had free points, you hear that "FREE POINTS". I missed out on participation for a competition allowing all the participants to earn an easy 3 points...problem is, only those who placed earned these points. Lots of people lost out on easy points, so hopefully you all make it up in the last week or so left in the competition.
Kano: 10 Points
Bal: 8 Points
Ekeia: 6 Point
Teu: 5 Points
Kalei: 2 Points
William: 2 Points
A hearty congratulations to everyone that's been active this past week, you've all gained an fair number of points in this last week so keep it up. Kano better keep an eye on the prize or else Bal might end up stealing it from him.
Alright, more awards...this seems to be the focal point of my report these last couple of weeks so but you guys still enjoy reading this. We've got alot of awards and big winners this past week.
This is what I like to see Raptors, the more activity you have the better you place in the active competitions and the better our team appears in comparission to the others.
Condensed version for those skipping to the end.
Kano has achieved the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, a hearty congrats to Kano on his grand achievement
Underworld Run-on is our current center of attention but don't forget the competitions
Keep your focus on promotions as that'll be what helps your activity going
Good Hunting Raptors.
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