Aedile Report


Aedile Report

** Refuge

Sector 1**

Fremoc and Dyrra moved towards the Champion's Bar. Their target was inside it, and they had gathered from the locals that he had a weakness for adoring fans that were women. The two had planned to take the Arena Champion to a local apartment that they had "rented" and kill him there.

"Ready Dyrra?" said Fremoc.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

  1. Announcements

  2. Competitions

  3. Awards/Promotions/Activity Stuff

  4. Conclusion

  5. Real Life

  6. Win

Clan RM applications are still open and will be open until the 26th of November. Hopefully by the 27th we will know who our new clan rollmaster will be.

Also this week Dyrra from HLK was promoted to DJK. Congrats to her on that one.

I'd like you all to welcome Gavin Pollan into the DB as well as the HMR and CNS.

Take part in the Underworld run on if you haven't already. Kano has put together a bunch of named characters for us to go after.. so why the heck not. Get into it!


Quaestor's Challenge Ends 11/30

Weapons of the Disciples Ends 11/30

Reaction Time Ends 11/27

Attack the Aedile Ends 11/30

Black Train Ends 12/17

So tell me about yourself Ends 11/30

An Odd Scavenger Hunt Ends 12/2


Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star x 2

Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star

Passed Clan Naga Sadow History


Awarded Crescent with Quartz Star

Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star


Awarded Crescent with Quartz Star


Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star


Awarded Crescent with Quartz Star


Became Fremoc's new apprentice

Promoted to Nov

Passed DB Basics

Passed ACC Basics

Passed HTML Basics

Promoted to ACO

Passed Training Lightsaber Course


Awarded Scroll of Foundation


-Short week, nothing major

-Clan RM soon to be announced

-Ooooooo Underworld :D

-Gavin a ACO in one day!

-Turkey Day Thursday.. mmmmmmmm...

Real life situation is the normal boring drag. Kinda wishing i was still working down the shore making close to a grand a week.. Argh.. oh well.. Anyways if ya'll need me you know I'm on IRC all the time or shoot me an email.

Win Column:

App to ACO in one day

Pumpkin muffins

PUMPKIN MUFFINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish i could share but i really don't want too... and i.. i just can't get myself around that... HAHHAhAHhAHHAa

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