Quaestor Report # X
So, been some news of late about the upcoming RoS. Muzs latest GM report has mentioned some things about it, mostly the fact that it will not be run like most other Rite of Supremacys. It wont have any effect on me so much in terms of how it is run, because this will be my first RoS, but for all of you who have participated in at least 1 of the previous ones will apparently find it very different. For one, Dark Council members will be able to participate for their home Clans, something that has not been done for some time now, if at all.
The main thing that I want to make sure though, is that all of our members are on top of their game, both gaming, fiction, and graphics wise. Dont forget Vendettas are very important in terms of promotions, both during and after the competition. And of course, there are always medals to be awarded for those who deserving (Though generally we dont have a problem awarding our members because I know you all give it your best). More on this topic will be below in the Closing thoughts part.
And now Report time!
** OT Shazair Sid Rathden**
<li> Crescent with Emerald star
<li> Created a new character sheet
<li> Earned 9 Clusters of Fire
DJK Anubis Annedu
<li> Earned himself a nice Crescent with Topaz, being the good AED he is ;)
<li> Created a new Character sheet
<li> Passed History of the Sith I
GRD Rian Aslar
<li>Has been promoted to the outstanding rank of Guardian, from the rank of Protector
<li> Has earned a Crescent with Quartz
<li> Created a new Character sheet
ACO Aquilus Lectum
<li> Was promoted from Novice to the nice rank of Acolyte! Up next, Protector!
<li> Earned himself a Crescent with a Sapphire star for placing 1st in the Clan wide Graffiti the SHB competition. Well earned, Aquil!
<li> Passed Advancement Survey
<li>Grand Master Muz **has released his latest report to the Brotherhood. This is a **must read, so click here to do so.
<li>Headmaster Report was published on the DJB home page over the weekend, and it includes some news on some upcoming Shadow Academy stuff, such as: A DB History Course, CSP History Course and newer versions of the Force Philosophies course and the General Leadership exam. Check it out here.
<li>*CNS Rollmaster * applications have been extended to the 26th.
<li>Tribune: Gaming has created a new competition for the brotherhood to participate in. Check below in the Competitions section of the report for the link to the comp details.
<li>**Herald Shikyo **has had his IRC privileges interrupted, so he has reserved his email address to his primary form of contact.
<li>Combat Master report was released, check the DJB main page for more details.
<li>Arcona AED and BTL positions open for apps, so click here for more information on those positions and what the requirements include.
<li> AED's Challenge
Dark Jedi Brotherhood:
So, it is true. The Rite of Supremacy 6 is due to start the 2nd of January, 2010. I myself and pretty psyched about this, but I am also a little weary, as I have seen our numbers, and this Vendetta is going to be even harder, in my mind. This is where we defend the title of First Clan. Something I will not accept losing.
The one thing I can say to all of you though, and especially you newer members who have yet to experience a Vendetta (A very large competition within the Brotherhood, Clan Vs. Clan that happens 1 a year) is the most important things to do is to participate in the competitions you like the most and feel you can get done the fastest with the best outcome as possible, and to then move onto anything else you think you can handle, so as not to burn yourself out. And it may sound silly, but getting burnt out happens veryyyy quickly, so take it easy just not too easy. The most is that you keep your head high, expect to see some rough-housing from the other Clans, namely the winner of the last Vendetta.
Anubis (your AED) and I, have started an ACC battle. This is going to be quite interesting, as the last battle we had Anubis had to timeout, which gave me a win not deserved. With that, I plan on pwning him for real this time, and earn another win to my record, and a loss to his. Lets just say its on. >=D
Bring it, Annie-Oakley.
With that, I would also like to let you all know of the upcoming Fiction Run-On the Ektrosis Summit is working on. If all goes well, we will have it up and running by the end of the week, and will last till Christmas time. This will be to attempt to help you guys with your RO skills, which I will be counting on in the upcoming Rite of Supremacy.
Well, thats all for now. Take care guys!
Dark Jedi Brotherhood | DJB Wiki | DJB Message Boards | DJB Competitions Page
Clan Taldryan Website | Promotion Guidelines | Taldryan Competitions | Ektrosis Roster
-Consul Vodo Biask Taldrya [Log in to view e-mail addresses] < br>
-Proconsul Andan Crix Taldrya Marshall -- [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-House Ektrosis Quaestor Shazair Sidarace Rathden [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-House Ektrosis Aedile Anubis Annedu[Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-Battleteam Leader Phoenix Phyle James StarGazer [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Until then,
Obelisk Templar Shazair Sidarace Rathden, Quaestor of Ektrosis
Planetary Viceroy of Taruma, PIN #9193
-> _ House Ektrosis shall be an open threshold for those who pursue excellence in leadership and activity. With the banner of Taldryan before us we will prove our strength and ingenuity throughout the Brotherhood upon every platform that creates this great club, reciting our motto: Descendants of Darkness, Heirs to Hate_ <- </li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li>
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