Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report


These come around way too quick, another sore reminder how fast the year’s going, soon be xmas and all that. Not too much going around this week, Clan powers have officially been put up on the character sheets so make sure to adjust accordingly if you want a sweetass wraith or blood trail power.

Sukhur’s Legion and Galeres AED are open to applications at the moment, if any of you guys wish to apply and would like a hand gimmie a shout and I’ll throw your way some advice.


Llats: Force Philosophy passed with a score of 97


Create Zakath's Report Headers!

Ninj’s comp is still running, for some crescents head here;


An Odd Scavenger Hunt

For the gamers of Black Hammer, get your teeth stuck in for some 2nd levels;


[[DJBWiki]] So, tell me about yourself...

One for the fictionalists (is that a word? F**k it, it is now) 3rd levels up for grabs;


-Tracks of the Week-

The Maccabees- Kiss and Resolve

Florence and the Machine- Howl <<<< Tune

-Final Thoughts-

I’m back home visiting the family at the moment, hence my relative lack of irc presence but I’ll be back to usual status by the weekend. This also means I have my graphics stuff (every silver lining!) and I’ve started my #arcona Webcomics again, get on the forums to dig it up.

I'll be trying to get hold of all of you at some point over the next week for some one on one action just to see how you're all holding up and to offer guidance regarding promotions and such, so if you're not on irc i'll hunt you down via email.

Congratz to Llats for storming through the Shadow Academy all Kraith-like and getting another course passed, and to Soulfire Sergeant Celahir for eating his weight in burgers, mmm mmmm sweet, sweet organ failure. See you next week for a more interesting report.

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