Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

The members of the Banshee Brigade shifted restlessly. They had been summoned to the meeting room, but no explanation had been given for the meeting. The team members looked up as the Aedile of Dorimad Sol entered the room. Jeric stepped forward to address them.

“Thank you all for coming. I brought you all here to inform you that there has been a change of command for Banshee Brigade.” He glanced to the side, with a slight nod.

A cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows and moved over to stand beside Jeric. The figure pushed back the hood of her cloak and looked around the room. Her dark eyes studied each of the assembled members. A few startled gasps caused the corner of her mouth to twitch ever so slightly in a half grin as some of the older members recognized her.

Jeric continued, “Battlelord Rasilvenaira StormRaven has been assigned as the new Sith Commander for Banshee Brigade.”

He stepped aside, giving the Commander the floor to address her team. Rasilvenaira stepped forward, her eyes betraying no trace of emotion as she scanned over the team again.

“Some of you may know me, others I know do not. However, that will change, very quickly. I have read over the status reports, and while many of you have performed admirably, there is always room to be and to do better. I will expect nothing less than your best, from each and every one of you.”

Greetings Banshees,

As you might have guessed from the bit of fiction I am the new Commander for Banshee Brigade. I have been a part of the DB for almost four years now. Scholae Palatinae has always been my home, and I have done my best to serve Clan and House to the best of my abilities. I have spent most of my time in one form of leadership position or another, so I have a fair grasp of what’s needed to run any unit.

Banshee Brigade has some very bright and talented members in it, and I encourage each and every one of you to continue to strive for improvement. That is my primary job. I am here to help you however I can, if you have questions, ask. I’m usually found on IRC, or you can send me an email. I do enjoy the fiction side of the Brotherhood, so am often “in character” if you will. But don’t let that stop you from coming to me. I have an open door policy, if you have suggestions, questions, complaints, concerns, bring them to me, and we’ll sort things out.

Banshee News:

Cado H’darr stepped up and been named my Flight Leader. Cado is essentially my second in command. While we’re just getting settled into working together, I’m sure that Cado will be a great asset in helping me to bring Banshee Brigade up to what this team is meant to be.

Recent Team Accomplishments:

Kael Fayne has been rather busy. He earned himself a shiny Topaz Crescent. He’s also been hard at work studying. Kael’s passed Pre-Republic History and Wiki Basics.

Cello earned a shiny Quartz Crescent for his recent efforts as well.

Team Competition:

In the spirit of the holidays, I’ve started a simple competition for you all.

I has a bunny and some bells-

Starts December 23, and ends December 30

In closing I have one request; I need to hear from each and every member of Banshee Brigade. Send me an email; let me know if you plan on being active, if you need help with anything, or even if you don’t want to be active, I need to know. So please respond.

I want to hear from all of you by Monday, December 28th.

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