A-hoy hoy, folks. Report Numero Uno from the Interim Combat Master, Arc Xyler.
The Sith War
An eventful week in the ACC, no doubt about it. The Sith War has really taken off, we have 37 battles in progress at the moment in the Sith War Hall, and it looks like it's going to get even bigger. I guess this just shows the popularity of the place and how much we've achieved so far. Here's to you, folks. Well done.
Opening Matches/Judges' Shortage
As some of you may be aware, we are a little short-staffed in the Judges' Department at the ACC. So, to combat this, I've chosen Strategos as a new Judge. I'm going to see how this pans out and if we need more, you'll be contacted. Now, secondly, the opening of matches. There was a little squabble on the ACC Staff e-group the other day and, to be honest, it was quite childish. I'm not going to name names - you know who you are - but the person who intervened and put a stop to it was quite right. Relax, folks. I know it takes a while to get matches open, but the sheer volume of interest in the Sith War meant that I and the small amount of working Judges means that we couldn't possibly open everything at once. Rest assured, this won't happen again. Which leads us to...
Judges' AWOL Check
You had it coming. I've been reviewing the Judges' Stats, and well - some are excellent and some are terrible. There's no in-between about it. Now, by the end of the day, you (those in trouble) will have received an e-mail regarding this and hopefully, corrections will be made and we can avoid any further action. If not - you'll be replaced by someone else. If you want to leave the Staff, that's absolutely cool. No harm, no foul - but please, don't say you're something and do nothing about it.
New Competitions
After all that unpleasantness, here's some good news. The ACC is looking for it's Champion. That's right - we're looking for the Supreme Champion, and it's going to start pretty soon. I'm still formulating the background and how it's all going to come together, but it's gonna big. REAL big. Here's how it's shaping so far.
I forsee that we'll begin with small ladders, say eight in each ladder. Winner of each ladder goes into playoffs - and it works from there. Think of it like a league. That's the basic idea, but there'll be more detail added to it and so on. The Judges will be exempt from entering the ladders, as I'm going to need each and every Judge available if this is going to work. It's exempt from the Clans - you're essentially fighting for personal honour.
Now, the other competition - the families. Yes, there seems to be an abundance of families in the Brotherhood; the Entars, the Cantors, the Longs, the Zinors - why not have them in a battle together? Again, this is being formulated and so on - nothing's concrete at the moment. What I have in mind is this - we get deathmatch-style matches going in the ACC and families take on one another. Any of the families like this? Let me know - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Expect an update on these next week.
Battle Of The Week
DJK Shen Long Vs. DJK Kris Omega - keep an eye on this one, it's looking good..
Well, that's all from the Combat Master's Office. Cyris is recovering - but we're still unsure when he's going to be coming back. Any troubles, quarrels, whatever - e-mail me, not Cyris - the dude's on LoA, remember.
For the Brotherhood,
The Honourable Krath Archpriest Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler
Interim Combat Master
Knight Envoy of Clan Arcona
Tetrarch of Dark Orb Phyle
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Comps look great. I'll do what I can to help them flesh out. Even though I can't participate in them.... (Damn LoA)