<head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/templates/style.css" /><script type="text/javascript" src="http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/js/behavior.js"></script><meta http-equiv="\\"Content-Type\" content="\\"text/html;" charset="windows-1252\" /><meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"Microsoft FrontPage 4.0\"><meta name="\\"ProgId\" content="\\"FrontPage.Editor.Document\" /> <title>HDS Aedile Report 12.31.09</title> </head> <table style=\"background-color: black; border: 3px solid darkred; width: 750;\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\"> <tr> <td style=\"background-color: black; height: 18px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;\" align=\"center\"> <FONT face=\"Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif\" color=white size=1> :: HDS Aedile Report 12.31.09 :: </tr><tr> <td> <table width="\\"100%\" border="\\"0\" cellpadding="\\"0\" cellspacing="\\"0\"> <tr> <td style=\"background-color: gray; line-height: 13px; padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px;\" align=\"center\"> <FONT face=\"Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif\" color=darkred size=2></tr>
</td> </tr> <tr> <td style=\"background-color: black; border-bottom: 1px solid darkred; border-top: 1px solid darkred; height: 16px; line-height: 12px;\" align=\"center\"> <FONT face=\"Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif\" color=white size=1> :: </tr>From Aedile Jeric Cyrin :: <tr> <td style=\"background-color: gray; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;\"><font face=\"Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif\" color=\"#000000\" size=\"2\"><!-- #BeginEditable \"news\" --> </tr> -> ![](\"http://shadow.limewebs.com/Graphics/Headers/Intro.png\) <- The Aedile of Dorimad Sol paced back and forth inside his dim office. He had just finished the last minute preparations to get the House ready to fight their enemies in Clan Taldryan. It had been nearly two years since Jeric had served side by side with those in Taldyran. This fact wasn\'t going to stop Jeric from striking down his former brothers, for the Dark Side was his ally and a merciless ally it was. A light on Jeric\'s desk began to flash. He walked over and activated the holoscreen. Battlemaster Hawk appeared before him.
\"Jeric we have been called to the Imperial Palace for the meeting of the War Council.\"
With that Jeric switch off his screen and threw on his robe. It was time.
The Rite of Supremacy is upon us. We are just two days away from this DJB wide vendetta and we are up against Clan Taldryan during the first week. We have a chance to take out a major threat to us in the very beginning so lets do our best.
After many discussions it has been decided that we will closed down Banshee Brigade and instead leave only Blades of Chaos and Shadow Swarm open. Shadow Swarm will remain a \"Senior Member\'s Only\" Battleteam. Blades of Chaos will be our primary Battleteam for our most active and elite Journeymen. BoC will be for active JM between above the rank of Acolyte. In order to stay a member of BoC you have to be consider active. Members in BoC will do this by either reporting in bi-weekly to the BTL or performing one form of activity each month. At the end of each month we will do a sweep of BoC and remove anyone who has failed to stay active according to these terms. The changes have been made to the roster already so update your ID-Lines accordingly. If you were not place into BoC and wish to be in the Battleteam send me an email.
My Holiday Caption Contest has ended. Thank you all for those who participated. The winners have been awarded so for the hell of it here where the winning captions:
-> First Place ![](\"http://shadow.limewebs.com/Graphics/hccImage2.jpg\) Cado H\'darr: \"Santa, I am. Bring presents, if good. Or a stocking of woopass, if bad mmm?\" Yoda voice Second Place ![](\"http://shadow.limewebs.com/Graphics/hccImage4.jpg\) Kael Fayne: \"Yes, this is it! Just the prize to convince Jabba to give me my gun back.\" Third Place ![](\"http://shadow.limewebs.com/Graphics/hccImage1.jpg\) Archangel: \"I call it the Death Star, master.. See this trench? Doesn\'t it look cool? What? No, of course there\'s no danger to Rebel fighters!\" <-
DB Competitions
Clan Competitions - [Cap the Caption!](\"http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4656\) (Ends 5/15/10)
*House Competitions * - [Cause We All Just Wanna Be Big Rockstars](\"http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4752\) (Ends 01/05/10) - [Bounty Hunter](\"http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4753\) (Ends 01/07/10)
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<FONT face=\"Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif\" color=white size=1>
:: </tr>In Dark Service to the Brotherhood :: <tr>
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I hope you like the new template and report headers, took me a good hour of slaving over the computer to put this together. Well the new year is upon us and we have the chance to start it off right. Lets kick ass in this RoS Dorimad Sol.
I wish everyone a safe and happy new years. Dont party to hard :P
<font color="darkred">*Sith Warrior Jeric Cyrin ~ HDS Aedile
<font color="darkred">\"_Those who ask for mercy, are too weak to deserve it.
_\"</font> <-
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<tr> <td style=\"background-color: black; height: 18px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;\" align=\"center\"> <FONT face=\"Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif\" color=white size=1> </tr>** :: Clan Scholae Palatinae :: **
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Great report Jeriv, smexy graphics and awesome captions guys, WTG!