Aedile Report


Aedile Report


Happy new year!!! Yaaaaaay, I trust you all brought it in with a bang? (and by bang I mean when you hit the deck after having one tipple too much) I spent it flirting with the girlfriends mother over an open fire and a can of carling, classy, classy b**tard and our beloved Consul stole some German birds lighter at 5am, score. Anywhoo, on with reportage!


As you all know the RoS has kicked off, I for one am really hyped about this, its looking very sexy, props to Orv and everyone involved for the pwnsauce. As Sashar said in his email, we have got a buy for all your hard work during the last GJW (sorry I wasnt around for that)

Next week, we are up against either Tal or CSP depending on which Clan brings the pain, and like our wise Consul said, without getting cocky, if we pull it out of the bag against the victor, we stand a strong chance of winning this. I have a lot of faith in Galares and Arcona as a whole, and I will forever love you guys if you step from the shadows bearing your pwn-armour and kick some lesser-Clans asses. I know you all have it in you, take one for the team and lets roar Arcona Invicta! as we enter the fray.

-=New Members=-

We have two new members joining us, please give these two a warm Galeres welcome and no groping until everyones been introduced.




I imagine comps will have pretty much dried up with the RoS underway, however the Arcona Arena Tournament is still underway (where the hells my match Lan? :P) we are nearly in the final stages, keep following myself, Sashar, Driftan and Maricks progress here;


A big congrats to Maaks for making Jedi Hunter

-=Track of the Week=-

Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Runaway

-=Final Thoughts=-

Like I said, its all about the RoS at the moment and its all youll be hearing in the coming weeks, do Arcona proud, lets show the whole Brotherhood who the dominant Clan is, Tal had a good run, but their time is up. I have the faith, fight the power, peace. <3

AED Juda Kodiak (Erinos)

Very nice, Juda

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