[ 0900 Hours; The Sword's Sheath; Meeting Hall A ]
Severon walked briskly to the podium inscribed with a flying sword, the symbol for House Gladius. He paused only for a moment upon reaching the podium and then looked over the members of Gladius as they talked and joked with one another. However, the new Aedile's face was grave and there was no rejoicing in his demeanor.
Clearing his throat, Severon called out, "Sit and be silent Gladians!"
The noise stopped instantly. The members sat, although some not too happily. "Gladius," Severon began again. "Gladians, once again our clan leaders have called upon us. Once again the Dark Council has an assignment for Tarentum." This statement was met with many boos from the mass.
After quieting them down again, the Aedile continued, "We are officially in a Rite of Supremacy, a vendetta where all members of the clan must participate. Scion, Raiju and I have all agreed that we must be the best House in Tarentum.
Gladians, we are the sword of Tarentum. What is Cestus but an iron fist and Tridens but a pointed spear. We are the sword, the most mighty of all weapons. We bring fear to the hearts of the enemy and we bring swift retribution. Gladius of old knew this and was mighty. I see members here that would help us, the House Summit, to rebuild Gladius and make it as it was of old; a sharp piercing blade.
But the blade is you, the members. We, the House Summit, are but the hilt and what can a hilt do without a blade? We need the blade, we need you, Gladians, to fulfill your destinies and participate in this Vendetta with us. Scion, Raiju and I will do all that we can, but in the end it is you, Gladians, who will make Gladius into the sharp sword that it was and still is.
We need you Gladians, and I hope that you will not fail us.
Gladian Forever, Forever Gladian!
Severon left the podium and went to the conference room to report how his speech was recieved.
Report time!
The Rite of Supremacy is upon us! You can compete in fiction and poetry this week. Here is the site: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/ros/
Go forth and participate!
Also, for those of you with a load of time, Mechronage is running a competition for House Gladius called Tutelage. It is an easy chance to score some medals and, for some of you journeymen, to gain some rank. Here is the link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4755
Please Gladians, we need you in the RoS. We need all of you to participate at least in one event.
As all of you have noticed, our House Summit has changed. I mentioned this earlier (and Scion did too) so I will not say it again in this report. However, I would like you all to welcome Raiju Kang. Just shoot him an email saying hi and try to help him get to know you. If we can fully welcome him in, than he will have a much more successful change.
Also welcome Sith Battlemaster Sato Tarentae. He has joined us after being inactive for a while and we are glad to have him with us.
And now the activity for the past 6 or 7 weeks.
KAP Apollo: 12/10/2009 - Participated in Just Where Have I Heard That Before? Round 1 12/13/2009 - Participated in Just Where Have I Heard That Before? Round 2 12/26/2009 - Participated in Just Where Have I Heard That before? Round 3
SBM Sato Tarentae: 12/27/2009 - Transferred in from Rogues 12/28/2009 - Completed Dark Brotherhood History I SA Course 12/31/2009 - Completed Philosophy I: Views SA Course (retake)
OP Raiju Kang: Various RM duties 01/01/2010 - Appointed as Rollmaster 01/05/2010 - Won Cr-A for 1st place overall in Broken 01/05/2010 - Won Cr-E for 1st place in Broken: Trivia 01/05/2010 - Won Cr-S for 1st place in Broken: All in the Words 01/05/2010 - Won Cr-S for 1st place in Broken: Run-On
SW Scion Altera: Various QUA duties 12/07/2009 - Quaestor Report 12/08/2009 - Participated in Broken All in the Words 12/17/2009 - Participated in Our Halls Have Been Decked 12/21/2009 - Quaestor Report 01/04/2010 - Quaestor Report 01/05/2010 - Won Cr-E for 3rd place overall in Broken 01/05/2010 - Won Cr-E for 2nd place in Broken: All in the Words
DJK Severon Vercingetorix: Various AED duties 12/14/2009 - Participated in The name is Keibatsu...Shikyo Keibatsu 12/16/2009 - Promoted to Dark Jedi Knight 01/01/2010 - Stepped Down as Rollmaster 01/01/2010 - Appointed as Aedile 01/01/2010 - Lost ACC match vs. DJK Vai Azexel 01/05/2010 - Won Cr-S for 2nd place overall in Broken 01/05/2010 - Won Cr-T for 2nd place Broken: Trivia 01/05/2010 - Won Cr-T for 3rd place in Broken: All in the Words 01/05/2010 - Participated in RoS Week 1 Poetry 01/06/2010 - Participated in RoS Week 1 Fiction 01/06/2010 - Participated in My Tutelage Comp.
DJK Balia Donos: 12/13/2009 - Character Sheet Approved 01/02/2010 - Promoted to Dark Jedi Knight 01/04/2010 - Participated in RoS Week 1 Fiction
JH Mechronage Saltherion: 01/06/2010 - Competition Approved: My Tutelage
JH Nichos Rhade: 12/13/2009 - Character Sheet Approved 12/17/2009 - Promoted to Jedi Hunter
JH Shardara Bellamorae: 12/24/2009 - Completed Leadership Fundamentals SA Course 12/28/2009 - Promoted to Jedi Hunter
ACO Cross Jeggerd: 12/10/2009 - Promoted to Acolyte 12/12/2009 - Completed Dark Brotherhood Basics SA Course 01/05/2010 - Won Cr-A for Trophy of Tarentum December 2009
NOV Roc Talos: 12/10/2009 - Name Changed
NOV Zarsec: 01/04/2010 - Completed Test of Lore 01/04/2010 - Completed Krath Core SA Course 01/04/2010 - Promoted to Novice
APP Griffon Drakekiller: 12/25/2009 - Transferred in from Arcona
Gladians, please participate in the RoS!
Gladian Forever, Forever Gladian!
Servant in Darkness, Severon Vercingetorix
-- Severon Vercingetorix Dark Jedi Knight, Gladius Aedile, and TG Former Apprentice to Vai Azexel
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