Welcome to the middle of the first week of the Rite of Supremacy, everyone! Geez, that's a lot of prepositions for one sentence. Anyway, let's get going.
The current events you can submit to are the fiction event and the poetry event. For more information on them, click on this URL. It also provides the e-mail address in which you must send submissions to. Don't forget to CC your clan leaders as well as your house leaders so we can document your activity: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/ros/slot.php?week=1&slot=1
So here's some advice to you guys:
if you're going to do the ACC, make sure you can stick to the 24-hour deadlines. Like I said, we had about three battles timed out on our side. Revan did not time out in one single battle. So that's already three points against us before the judges even get to our posts.
If you're going to submit anything, for the love of God, get it looked at. And not just by one person, either, that can be dangerous if the person either isn't available or just doesn't read it. Get critique from all sides. That way, your entries are polished, tweaked, and free of any grammatical/spelling errors before you e-mail them to the appropriate address.
Please remember that winning this RoS is going to be a team effort. A couple days ago, I got an e-mail from a friend in Tarentum questioning me on my choice not to participate in the ACC proceedings and how it could hurt the clan in the long run. Now, there were a lot of technical and personal reasons that I didn't sign up (Technical: No CS, no passed ACC Basics exam; Personal: Just didn't like it), and I do intend to become an ACCer in time for the next vendetta that approaches. However, I want to remind you all that no one person, or no one leader, should be responsible for leading the group to victory. Most of what I can do is submit my poetry and fiction, give you all the standard pep talks, and be around on IRC to take e-mails, questions, and drafts of submissions to look at. Everything else? That's on you guys. We need to work as a whole unit to win, with everybody participating and trying his or her best to win. Only then can we do better in vendettas, when we realize that it's not about relying on the few, but on the many.
As a result of the "Broken" events, several people have been awarded their appropriate crescents for individual and overall achievement. Congratulations to everyone who received a medal from this long, long storyline. But there are still awards and promotions to come, and Oberst will have a report out with that information in the near future.
N/A (Due to the RoS: Spoils of War)
http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4625 - [Tarentum] Trophy of Tarentum
(Main focus is on the RoS: Spoils of War)
We've had a few newcomers arrive and some familiar faces reappear in Tarentum. Newcomers Matakor, Griffin Drakekiller, and Zarsec have all settled into House Cestus and House Gladius, respectively. At the same time, Sith Battlemasters Sato Tarentae and Odin Vaaj, now known as Ohnadi Vecronaaj; have returned to Tarentum just in time to assist us in the Rite of Supremacy and in our future projects. Welcome back, guys!
DA KORRAS TARENTAE - Earned Amethyst Kukri
SBM KAREL TARENTAE - Earned 3 Clusters of Fire
SBM SATO TARENTAE - Passed DB History I SA exam - Passed Philosophy I: Views SA exam
SW ADIEN FALAUT - Earned Anteian Cross
SW JI K'AWIIL - Earned Crescent with Emerald Star x 2
OT RAIJU KANG - Earned Crescent with Sapphire Star x 2 - Earned Crescent with Amethyst Star
SW SCION ALTERA - Earned Crescent with Emerald Star x 2
DJK SEVERON VERCINGETORIX - Earned Crescent with Topaz Star x 2 - Earned Crescent with Sapphire Star
JH RAIMI MISTWALKER - Passed Leadership Fundamentals SA exam - Earned Crescent with Topaz Star - Earned Crescent with Amethyst Star
PRT TEIA CORAN - Passed Obelisk Core SA exam with a perfect score
ACO COOP TER'AN - PROMOTED TO ACOLYTE - Passed ACC Basics SA exam - Earned Crescent with Topaz Star
ACO CROSS JEGGERD - Earned Crescent with Amethyst Star
Remember my advice for the RoS! Work on those fiction and poetry entries and send them to me and other leaders if you want them read and critiqued! Let's step on the gas and show Revan what we've got!
-OP Ronovi Tavisaen (Obelisk)/PCON/Clan Tarentum
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Woo hoo RoS!
Remember all, The Dark Side is always with us
If anyone has ACC questions or want their ACC posts reviewed, I'm a Trainer in the ACC. I know the guidelines the Judges use to score ACC battles and I'm happy to review and critique your posts before you post them if you give me enough time to do it. Just email or find me on IRC.
I can also do training matches if you want to practice, or if you want me to give you some pointers and help you improve.