-> Report #1 - January 7, 2010
Introduction | Rite of Supremacy | Brotherhood News | House Plans | Important Links
<>Introduction <-
The New Aedile Is...
So, this is a week or so late, but I am the new Dinaari Aedile. Seeing as most of your are decrepit bastards hanging out in the Old Folk's Home, I'll keep this introduction short. I am Shadow Taldrya. As of this appointment I have now been in every position in the Clan (except Roll Master which is barely a position) and have been in Taldryan since I joined the Brotherhood back in 2001. If you hang out on IRC (and you should be hanging out on IRC) you've probably already met me and that's generally the best way to do it. Email makes it hard to get to know someone. Anyways. If you ever need help with something in the House or the Brotherhood, I'm more than willing to give you a hand. Just message me on IRC or send me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
<>Rite of Supremacy <-
Last Call
First round of the Rite of Supremacy ends Friday night at 11.59pm EST so be sure to get your fiction and graphics submissions in. It's important to do your best because skill is all that matters in this vendetta. If we don't beat CSP in this round, we're doomed to battle it out for 3rd or 4th place, and nobody wants that. Gaming looks to be in the bag, but it's not too late to get a few matches in and earn yourself a Seal for participating.
What's Next?
Honestly? I don't really know. This vendetta is a bit different from the type I'm used to, but I think we get a bit of a break next week and focus on individual events rather than taking on another Clan. Of course, I'm not 100% on this, so you'll be getting more information from the Summit as it comes out. Be prepared, though. Hopefully we'll get to try our hands at ACC next round.
<>Brotherhood News <-
Muz made some announcements about the Rite of Supremacy, but it is somewhat old news now. He did let slip that the new Armed Forces reset will happen after the RoS and will see the addition of official ground forces being added alongside our current naval forces. Should be cool stuff.
Just an FYI from the Herald - because he and his staff are participating in the Rite of Supremacy, custom lightsabers will be put on a temporary hiatus until probably the end of the vendetta. As far as I know, regular requests for warbanners are still being processed.
Quick update from the Seneschal this week, mainly focused on the completion of the Rite of Supremacy website, which I'm sure you've all visited by now. Work continues on the PHP conversion and the SCL and his staff are working diligently at making the current sight cooler as well. Orv will soon be taking a leave of absence from January 13th to January 20th. Click the link above for the full report.
Tribune Crap
Fiction Tribune - Apparently Eludajae and her "assistant" Impetus have run an IRC RPG. I don't know anything about it, but it's not something I've seen work well in the Brotherhood. However, if you are interested in that type of stuff, you should probably contact Eludajae or Impetus to find out details.
Wiki Tribune - Windos has restated a list of things you shouldn't be doing with your character wiki page and something about wiki awards and such. Hard to make this kind of news interesting, but the wiki is a lot of fun and a good way to expand on your character and backstory.
<>House Happenings <-
Current Status
Having only recently returned to activity, I haven't had a lot of time to acclimate myself to what's been doing on these past few months. Things seem pretty slow in the House, but then that's also true of the entire Brotherhood. Things are in something of a slump, but hopefully this vendetta will help wake a few people up. What we really need are some new Star Wars games that are actually good. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am eagerly awaiting The Old Republic, the new SW MMORPG by Bioware. That should bring a lot of new, active members to the club and the house.
In the Works
Sharad and I haven't had much of a chance to talk about the future of the House, but I'm sure he has some plans he wants to work on to bring Dinaari back to its former glory. Unfortunately, the Rite of Supremacy is going to be keeping us both busy for the duration and we'll be focused on trying to keep Taldryan as the First Clan of the Brotherhood. Afterwards, we'll start to see more competitions and activities and such that
<>Important Links
Clan Taldryan | Clan Codex | Competitions Page | IRC Guide
Dark Jedi Brotherhood | Antei Combat Center | Shadow Academy
Message Boards | DJB Wikipedia | Dark Side Codex Promotion Requirements
Summit Members Quaestor Sharad Taldrya Hett ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Aedile Shadow Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) <-
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