Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

[16:53] <Tim|store> [19:50:07] <@Muz> But it seems Sang thinks it's cool to be an asshole, he's not likely to hold any influence for long. [16:53] <CEL|REPORT> Sang? Influence? [16:54] <Sang> I've been AED for almost 7 months [16:54] <`Sang> Fear my influence [16:54] <legz> That's terrifying :P [16:54] <legz> AEDs always scare the shit out of me.

If that little quote doesn't wet your appetite for some pwnage, then enjoy this one of me being raped on #arcona...no, not physically raped you little perverts. (Cethgus, you know i'm talking about you.)

[16:39] <legz> I hate Sang so much. [16:39] <Tim|store> Well yeah, who doesn't? [16:40] <Sang> ... [16:40] <Sang> Fuck you both [16:40] <Sang> What is it with this goddamn hate fest towards me? :P [16:40] <Sang> It's like i'm Halc or something [16:41] <rufio> shut your tiny whorish mouth


Anyway, Celahir and myself are here with another collab report. Why? Because we were too lazy to do two separate reports. We've got this report to send out a cool motivational message about the RoS like Timeros and Juda have. The real question is, why?

You'll have to be dead or in Plagueis to not know there's a RoS going on at the moment. Anyway, there are 3 categories in this week's round of competition.

Fiction, Graphics and ACC. Now the Tallyfreaks picked ACC so we picked Graphics and Fiction was the unfortunate random event. Well, anything is better than Gaming where the Taldryans obsess over JA/JO with their tiny penises.

Check out the RoS site for more details on the events, or even check out Timmeh's email as it gives lots of graphical information about the upcoming week.

Now i'm hopefully going to be impressed with the showing from Arcona this week and i'd better be or i'll send Legz to CNS to be friends with Teu. Let's see how the little bastard likes that. He'll come back and say i'm totally awesome in comparison. (I wish </3)

This has been one long wittering on from Sang, Celahir needs to do more work on this report rather than hiding in the toilet. Yes, i employ crass toilet humour, i blame Timeros and his inefficient way of insulting Plagueians. I make them cry, he just makes them complain to Kir. Who's better i wonder? :P

All i can say now is, this is the crux of the RoS. I know it's our first week competing, but we're up against the best the DB can throw at us in the form of Taldryan. Lets go out there and kick some ass. We've got kickass ACCers, Writers and Artists.

Remember that Quality counts for alot than Quantity in the RoS. This isn't the GJW, take the time to proofread your work and there will be lots of people available to you on #arcona who will help you in doing so.

Dash, Tim and Juda will be around to check ACC posts, I'll be around whenever possible to check fiction and i know the other summiters and Arconae will be available for you to bother for help.

We hope to see you all on irc this coming week, lets support each other and beat Taldryan again.

This is Sang signing off.


P.S. Celahir sucks. <3

And I'm back from an amazing shit, believe it or not I shit in the form of a penis and balls, I would've taken pictures but I didn't. have my camera on me.

THAT IS AWESOME!!!! - Sang (Sang fuck off and stop interrupting my genious writing. lAlso capitalize your fucking I's)

I'll interupt you whenever I want you pedantic bugger!(Sang don't make me punish or fire you.)

(You wouldn't fire me, i suck a mean dick and you know it.)

Anyhow, yes the RoS I suck at motivational speeches so I'll just say what I have to.

We came here to do one thing and that is kick some total Taldryan ass, we've did it before and we'll do it again.

Fiction,ACC and Gfx, I say let's do it. I reckon we can take them. "It'll be a hard fought fight" to quote my lovely Aedile. That's me for trying to be motivational lets get this over with.

After we beat Taldrayn I reckon we'll win the RoS and Arcona will be known for having the ultimate PWNSAUCE.

This was a quick RoS update report, I hope you'll all give it your best and I'll see lots of medals after it.

This was your loving Quaestor, stop whatever you're doing and write that fiction or draw that damned gfx.

One Love


(One love, one heart, one quick thrust!)


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