Wiki Tribune Report


Wiki Tribune Report


The wiki staff need your help to identify three things:

DJBWikipedians - Nominate here!

Featured Articles - Nominate here!

Quotes - Nominate here!

If you know of anyone (or anything) to nominate, feel free to do so via the links above. As always, if you need help ask a staffer.

News <-

Many of you will have noticed images being flagged for deletion on the wiki over the last week. These images will not be deleted until the end of February so everyone will have plenty of time to make any changes to their articles required to keep them.

But what does need to be done to keep these images?

They simply need a paragraph tying them into the article, i.e. just because it is your character's Lightsaber does not make it relevant to the article.

For examples of how to tie images into articles see the following examples:


See the article for information about earning a wiki award for yourself.


Articles: 2,297 (+10 on last week)

Registered users: 395 (+4 on last week)

Active users: 45 (+11 on last week)

Tip of the Report

Some pages do not have the right title. Either it does not follow naming conventions, or it has simply been misspelled. You can usually move a page to a new title by clicking on the move tab at the top of the page. This preserves the edit history by transferring it with the page, and is much preferred to "cutting and pasting" the text to its new location, because this leaves the history behind. The talk page, if any, will normally be moved as well. When a page is moved, a redirect is created at the old location, so please fix any double redirects that result.

Moving a page in this way is not possible in some cases, such as when a page other than a fresh redirect exists at the destination, but you can ask for help from any Wiki Staffer.

I love stargate reports!

lol, stargate reports.

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