Well it is my own fault, but I have a load of stuff to report, I guess that happens when not reporting for nearly a month.
How is the Rites of Supremacy coming along?
Week 1 ended in a shambles, we got hit early on with time outs in the ACC and I guess the judging just didnt go to us. However, many people stepped up their game for the Off-week and are now continuing to doing great stuff for week 2. We got of gamers being busy, our ACC fighters giving it everything they got and our writers doing great things with the fiction.
So truthfully, I reckon we can beat Tarentum and Scholae Palatinae quite easily at this rate. Just keep it up guys!
Not really much going on in here, except for the ROS. Check out the website here: Our events are Gaming, Fiction and ACC.
I give you all permission to punch Kal when you next see him; he timed out on two acc Fights this week. Come on Quaestor, set an example.
We have some new members since my last report, so give warm welcome to: APP Raun, APP Trent Devson, APP Marauder Metalkus, APP Blan-Ti N'Hy'Gwun and APP Morphic.
From your Aedile, Just keep up the hard work in the ROS!
A few people have changed their characters names, just thought I would give you a heads up:
APP Marauder Metalkus to APP Metalkus JH Drocko the Hutt to JH Du'moth
A few members have been climbing the ranks, well done guys! Keep up the good work!
APP Trent Devson Promoted to Novice and then to Acolyte APP Metalkus promoted to Novice MEDALS AND AWARDS
Loads and loads of emails stuck in my inbox for this, the list just goes one. Nice work Guys, keep it up over the ROS.
PRT Evix Jhredmo: Cluster of Fire x 9, Crescent of Quartz Star x1, Crescent of Emerald Star x2, Crescent of Topaz star x1
SW Vexer Thrace: Crescent of Emerald star x1, Crescent of Sapphire star x1, Crescent of Quartz Star x1
SBM Kal di Plagia Vorrac: Crescent of Quartz Star x1, Crescent of Sapphire star x1, Crescent of Amethyst star x1, Crescent of Emerald star x3, Crescent of Topaz Star x2
DJK Fang Ao Tian: Crescent of Topaz Star x2, Crescent of Emerald star x2, Crescent of Sapphire star x2
DJK Mograine: Crescent of Topaz Star x1
JH Du'moth: Crescent of Sapphire star x1
KAP Kaira Rohana: Cluster of Fire x3, Crescent of Emerald star x1, Crescent of Topaz Star x1
PRT Necal: Cluster of Fire x9
ACO Trent Devson: Cluster of Fire x8
Quite a few Exams have been taken and passed, nice work I must say! Keep it up guys!
ACO Trent Devson: ACC Basics, Dark Brotherhood Basics, Training Saber Course, Test of Power,
NOV Metalkus: Lightsaber Studies
PRT Necal: Krath Core, Chamber of Justice II
Lots of Battles being fought and judged, I will give it a quick summary, wins and loses. But there is some really good work and writing out there, keep it up!
Character Sheets approved: Trent Devson. Necal, Evix Jhredmo and Duâââ‰â¢moth Rank Update: Kal Vorrac promoted to Sentinel
SBM Kal Vorrac Wins: 6 Lost: 4 DJK Cassandra Elsin Wins: 5 Lost: 0 KAP Kaira Rohana Wins: 1 Lost: 0 DJK Fang Ao Tian Wins: 2 Lost: 1 SWL Vessicant Wins: 2 Lost: 1 DJK Mograine Wins: 1 Lost: 3
Thought of the day.
âPersonality is who we are and what we do when everybody is watching. Character is who we are and what we do when NOBODY is watching."
In conclusion
There is some really good activity going on with the ROS. My main point today would be asking you all to keep up this hard work. I really think Plagueis can show the Brotherhood what they are made of!
So lets do this!!
In Darkness
DJK Cassandra Elsin Aedile of Satal Keto 10269
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Thanks for the report, Master Cassandra.
Don't forget that our match in the ACC is waiting for you. I look forward to its conclusion.