Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Cethgus stood around a meeting room table and looked at the team that was in front of him. They had worked hard recently and he knew that it was time that they took a small break, though in Arcona he knew that it shouldn’t be long before they were needed again. Smirking the Exarch watched as his team began to leave the room, slowly sauntering themselves out, knowing that they would be back to the usual grind at the moment, and each one knowing that Cethgus was going to make them train harder than before, and make sure they were back to their peak as soon as possible.

As he walked around his office, he noticed that things were only going to be getting harder, as times changed, this clan and team had to move forward, this would mean they had to up there game, to be the best that they could be. As he sat down he poured himself a drink and smirked, he could finally be relaxed for once in his life, and knew that things would be able to ease up, but only for a short time, before they would be chucked back into the full hell of things.



Well, the main news that everyone knows is now the RoS is now over. Now all we have to do is each wait for the result and see how things go, I know that everyone has done their very best to try and participate as much as they can in helping the clan achieve the place that we wanted, now we have to just see if we are able to come along and take third place from Naga Shadow. We are all just waiting for the results to come out, so let’s just wait and see what happens.

Now I expect for each of you to start to work again, I know that it seems that sometimes you just don’t get a break, but that isn’t always true. You will get a break, but just at the moment I need each of you to be able to give me the best of your ability, so keep up the hard work and get the rewards that some with it all. Just keep up the hard work.


I would just like to say that we all need to wait for the RoS to hand out medals, so if you keep being active then I know for a fact that you will keep gaining medals, if you have the ability to keep active, then I know for a fact that you each have it in you to be able to get medals, just keep an eye out for competitions and try your best to compete in them, and I know that you will all be able to get medals in no time, so just remember keep being active.

_ Shadow Academy _

I would like to see more of you trying to take some exams every now and then, remember that exams are easy when you have the time and the ability to read each of the exams over properly. Now I know that this is time consuming believe me I do understand that this isn’t something you would do within five minutes, but I must stress the importance of doing exams, for the younger members to this club, they are a way of working towards getting a promotion in the brotherhood. And also I suggest that if you have some free time and don’t know what to do, or have completed all of the exams I then recommend that you take this chance to look at taking an exam.

Antei Combat Centre

I would like to see now that the RoS has finished, more people trying to participate in the ACC, I know that you have busy lives, but you do have a lot of time to post, and I know that you will be able to do your best in these, it’s a fun way of evolving the combat style of your character, as well as getting to knock two crap out of some other db member, what more do you want? So as I said just give it a try if you want someone to fight please feel free to drop me an email.


I would like to say that I will have to wait and see what happens during the RoS, I know that though with time and hard work you will each be able to strive towards a promotion, and I know that each of you are capable of doing so quickly and to the best of your ability, so on that note just keep up the hard work and you will be able to get a promotion. So just try and do as many competitions as you can, as many exams as possible and of course try and do everything that comes your way, and with that note that is the promotion section of this report done.

These weeks Goals

-Expand the Wiki page -Talk to the team individually -Organise competitions -Help members -Secret

With that all being Said, this is my report done and dusted.

Cethgus Kuga

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