As many of you have undoubtedly heard, we have been working with several of our allies to create an Interclub CTF competition. Much of the planning has been done, we simply must iron out the details and things will get underway. I have emailed all the current CONs and PCONs with this information, but posting it here will also ensure it will get to every member.
This CTF league will be for both JO and JA. Those who wish to participate must email myself, [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and Mav, [Log in to view e-mail addresses], with your name and pin along with any person or persons that you wish to be paired with, also include which games you play be it JO JA or both. The DC shall create the teams and will take all member preferences into consideration when doing so. Any who wish to participate must be able to get on IRC on a weekly basis, as the matches will be held every week mainly during the weekends. All we ask now is that those who wish to play in this event should email myself and Mav as soon as possible.
OP Shaithis "Qiao Long" Var'rek (Obelisk)/OHC/Dark Council [GMRG: PRT] [ACC: PF] SB/GC/(SC-SoP)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/Cr-5D-5R-10A-3S-1E-1T/CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF/DSS {SA: U:TL-U:TSC-G:LS-G:IRC-O:CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET}
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