Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

QUAESTOR REPORT: February 07, 2010

A haiku

Just one thing to say

(Saints shut down Fuckhead Manning)

Gotta ask... Who dat?!


Hey Cestians

News meteorshower has passed but that doesn't mean there isn't stuff to report. Check out Raimi's report... (RAIMI!) for promotions, medals, etc...


-After the RoS the entire clan will experience a shift in leadership and while there already exists a preliminary plan for Cestus, if you are interested and maybe have gone unnoticed up to now then send me your resume and what position(s) you are interested in! I haven't received a single resume and if I don't I will just appoint people. I WILL NOT BE TAKING APPLICATIONS SO UNLESS YOU TELL ME YOU ARE INTERESTED NOW... YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR A SUMMIT POSITION!!!!!

-Regardless of what date/time the leadership shift takes place Cestus will be having its RO within the next few weeks. I plan to start it either the first week or March or the last week of February depending on everyone's schedule. If you don't tell me now whether you want to be a Revolutionary or Traditionalist then I am assuming you are not interested in participating and you will not be worked into the opening post. Therefore, get off your butts and go reply to my thread about what you want to be. Now.

-For those of you who still have not read up on House Cestus’ new fiction please do so as soon as possible: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=Hieros_Lokhos_ton_Taras


-Way to go on taking fifth guys :). It's not as high as it could have been (we were shut down by Revan by 2 points remember) but overall we smashed CP and CSP and rightfully earned our place. So good job :)

-Some medals have already been doled out (mostly the Merit awards for those of you who did a good job participating) but there are still more to come including Seals, CoFs and Sacramentals. So keep your eyes open and your ear to the track.

-Kawk retires. That's a typo, I swear... Our very on Korras is the MAA, which is nice since he's around all the time, especially in our channel.

COMPETITION NEWS Competitions can be requested again, wooms! So get ready because as soon as the results are released there will be a FIRESTORM! Though at the moment, there are none. Go work on your promotions instead.

Happy Jiday +5

I love you all! (‘cept Raimi, where's your report, fuckface? xD)


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