The wiki staff need your help to identify three things:
DJBWikipedians - Nominate here!
Featured Articles - Nominate here!
If you know of anyone (or anything) to nominate, feel free to do so via the links above. As always, if you need help ask a staffer.
We are currently running a wiki competition. The competition page however does not appear to be working at the moment so I will copy the specifics here:
The wiki is meant to be a collection of interlinked articles, but just how easy is it to get from one article to another without using the search box? Using only the links present in each article's content (not the categories down the bottom) and taking note of each article you navigate to on your journey, find your way from:
Your entry will be a list of articles that you had to "pass" in order to get to the destination. The shortest list will win and in the case of a tie the person who got in first will win.
Winners will recieve third level cresents (or second if more than ten entries are recieved) and will remain open until this time next week. Send all submisions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Images flagged for deletion will be dealt with at the** end of February**. What need to be done to keep these images?
They simply need a paragraph tying them into the article, i.e. just because it is your character's Lightsaber does not make it relevant to the article.
For examples of how to tie images into articles see the following examples:
Lightsabers: Sashar Arconae
See the article for information about earning a wiki award for yourself.
Articles: 2,307 (+5 on last week)
Registered users: 400 (+2 on last week)
Active users: 35 (+16 on last week)
Are you tired of having to type long links to targets, and then having to write out most of the link again to hide the namespace? Simply put a pipe ( "|" ) at the end of the link, like so: [[starwars:Human|]], which turns starwars:Human into Human. This trick also works with parentheses: [[Phoenix (disambiguation)|]] becomes Phoenix.
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