AED Report 1 - Feb 16 2010
I will have an official report format next time, I just wanted to do something quick and efficient to announce myself into office.
For those who don't know me my name is Raistlin Sadow, and im always on mIRC as `Raist. I've been in the DB for an incredibly long time now, and have served in numerous leadership capacities throughout the DB's history. Im usually around Sunday Monday and Wed, as the rest of the week im stuck at work like most chumps. I still check mail regularly however and will get back to any queries as fast as possible.
MY email IS:
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AIM: Pmoneyisdaman
PSN: Pmoneydaman
(See a trend? I keep my net stuff simple)
My Main goal is simply to have fun and do DB stuff while getting the membership of HLK involved as well and im sure Dyrra will echo my sentiments. To that end, both myself and the lovely Ms Skye will have a variety of comps and events for you all to get involved with shortly, so watch for that. If you have ideas or suggestions we'd love to hear them so fire away.
Just two quick things seeing how short a timespan its been
Congrats to Teu on becoming the new Bastion BTL. I know we'll get along well and im looking forward to working with you.
Also an AWOL check will be announced fairly soon to give Dyrra and I sort of a heads up as to where we're at; so watch out for that. in your inboxes soon.
Taig has a zombie comp go do it
Korras has a trivia comp go do IT
many more from the two of us soon.
Until next time kids
AED Raist
"Homie Don't Play Dat" - Hpmie the Clown
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