Clan Headquarters, Karufr Kr'Tal System
The skies above Karufr were abuzz with activity as Battlegroup Vanguard prepared to sortie. Recognizing that House Revan had no forces of its own, nor any ability to fend off a full-scale invasion should one of the slighted Clans feel the time opportune, Vodo had ordered Admiral Slaxton to move his force into orbit over the Planet Salas V from which the Taldryan Jedi had only recently returned. It was not his usual disposition to aid the very people that had denied him victory, but Revan had earned his respect and he would offer them what he could. The Consul, only fairly recently appointed, had once been the Quaestor of the only Independent House of the Brotherhood to have triumphed over the Clans. That honor now belonged the victors of the Grand Master's Rite of Supremacy.
In the aftermath of the Rite, those surviving Dark Jedi returned to their home system. Though their title of First Clan had been taken from them, many were not disappointed. They'd still bested every other Clan of the Brotherhood with their efforts and further cemented a long and proud tradition of domination. War weary and fatigued, the veterans settled back into their peace-time studies as the Journeymen fell back into the rhythm of training and instruction. A sense of normalcy would return to the Clan soon enough.
For the greatest Clan heroes of the Rite, their rewards were not loudly announced. A simple message proclaiming the most prominent among them was sent to every datapad and bulletins posted in public areas:
_-By Order of the Consul! In recognition of long term service as a leader of House Ektrosis; for the stalwart defense of our shared Clan values; for his instruction of Journeymen and guidance in ways of the Dark Side: We, the Assembled Taldrya, do hereby identify Shaz'air "Sidarace" Rathden as a member of our body. Please recognize Shaz'air Taldrya Rathden!
In recognition of long term service to our Clan and this Brotherhood; for complete domination of the arena of battle; for the instruction of Journeymen, Equites, and Elders in the art of the Lightsaber and Combat: We, the Assembled Taldrya, do hereby indentify Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo as a member of our body. Please recognize Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya!
~Consul Vodo Biask Taldrya Regent of the Kr'tal, Rybanloth, and Maraketh Systems Planetary Viceroy of Karufr and Merach Son of Taldryan_
-> ## Taldryan News <-
-Taldryan has taken Second Place! Congratulate yourselves! -Vardar and Sid are our newest Taldrya -Clan Run-On to begin soon, look for email
-> ## Brotherhood News <-
-Independent House Revan has taken the top spot in the RoS. They are officially the First House of the Brotherhood, and should they ever clan up, they will claim the title of First Clan. -The Head Master recently passed his two year mark. Go leave a nice comment on his report. -Kaek has retired. No lie. Korras is now the Medal Nazi. -Muz is still grading the off-week competitions. Be patient.
-> ## Competitions <-
None at the moment. Take a short break!
I will be making a seperate email to the clan about all Merit Awards, Promotions, and RoS-based Rewards once all those come in!
The six week long Rite of Supremacy is now over. I'd like to thank everyone one last time for thier participation and contribution. For now, Taldryan will be settling back into a holding pattern, but don't expect a period of hibernation as in the past. Your Summits will be hard at work in the coming weeks to ensure that our War Effort is up to snuff next go-around. That means competitions out your ears! Also, Howie, I don't care if your ears are old and hairy. We'll still find room.
~Consul Vodo Biask Taldrya
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