AED Report 2
Anger.... It was the first time in awhile that he had felt this much hatred, and it felt GOOD. For the past three weeks the Exarch had been sequestered away, floating in bacta aboard Marakith. His location had been known only to a handful of people, and the man who prided himself on never needing protection was now guarded by a small cadre of D-SOG, droidekas, and Saraii.
The bulkhead slid open and in walked three figures that the Exarch recognized right away, even through the bacta and thick glass through which they were viewed.
<are you ready?> Consul Manji asked him telepathically, to which Raist nodded. A few minutes later he was out of the tank, being examined by a 2-1B.
"There is very little visible scar tissue." Dyrra offered, smiling at the Exarch as he stretched.
"The skin-graft surgeries went well." Raist conceded before continuing. "It matters not, what remains will serve as a constant reminder of my failure on Salas."
"Don't bla.." Manji started but Raist cut him off,
"If Sarin dies we would have emerged victorious. However, the Grand Master and I will meet again, and this time he and his wretches will fall." Raist quipped back
"Now, they strike from a fortified position, which will make the task more difficult." A voice from behind him said and Raist smiled at the recognition of who it was.
"You have been learning well Apprentice, we know their terrain however." Raist said as he stood up.
"They will soon know ours as well, if they don't already." Dyrra said and Raist knew immediately what she meant.
"Then we will be ready, I will make sure of it." Raist said. His anger would be channeled; focused into the task of forging this House into the most feared weapon in the Brotherhood. Much like the house that had just conquered the rest of the Clans, only backed by a much larger miltary, Ludo Kressh would soon dominate all, it was only a matter of time. .
So hi, this is the start of my first official report, imma try to keep the same format every week for you guys, little SL, little story, little news, etc without being repetitive. So away we go.
I am running an AWOL check that will be in effect for one month. Yes I talk to some of u all the time, itd still be nice if u hit me up and let me know if u plan on being active in stuff me and Dyrra would Run, or Run ons and such. As Such everyone has 1 month to contact me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Dyrra ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and tell us ur active. that simple. I will update this weekly with who hasnt checked in, but for now EMAIL US IF U WANT TO BE APART OF HLK IN THE FUTURE
Shik got DA Grats sir
Dyrra has a new BG grats Goat
I will be choosing my BG soon stay tuned for that
Conclave this weekend anything i can share with you from it I will in my report next week
Wayyy too many Novae went out, grats to all, i got a ruby crescent yay, and more award spam will be forthcoming im sure.
Theres a few comps. If you're Journeyman and below theres an ACC ladder. Taig has a zombie comp going on. And im sure ill get into a comp soon enough, jus gotta think of one
Conclusion/RL Stuff
I have a lot of fun ideas ive been messing around with for HLK, and the development of us. The best is yet to come from us tbh, I just want the rest of you onboard the fun wagon with me. Feel free to contact me anytime with suggestions or thoughts or whatever i can usually respond back fast. RL has been meh as of late, for a lot of reasons, however im getting into the Legacy series and its intriguing me enough to read comics again lol. Hopefully my ps3 will be back this week as well =/
-OE Raistlin Sadow (Obelisk)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow [ACC: TRT] GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-ToSC / DC-SiP / GN-BL / SN-BL / BN-AgL / Cr-3R-2A-2S-1E-1T-2Q / CF-GF / SoL / LS-GL / S:-2M-5R-1C-1Dk-6P-2U</are>
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