Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Cethgus sat at his desk, this week had been one of trial and tribulations, but yet had seen a lot of progress in advance. A sense of pride filled Cethgus, the team had worked well together through challenges and they only showed signs of getting stronger in the future. He smirked and stood up knowing that he had to catch one of his members. Cethgus walked down the corridor heading to the training room, once again the team would be there training hard. They had been practising there skills, Wolf Guard was gaining strengths and the Exarch knew he had to keep this up.

Looking at them training he just studied his team; he had seen them come a great deal further since the team had been put together. He knew that this team would bring great things in the near future, and this training would be something that would be good for the team in the long run. He paced around the combat arena looking at them training and noticed that this would not get any easier for the team; he would continue to push them harder whenever he could and make sure they were at their best condition.



Ok, with that being said, I would like to say to everyone that we will be seeing more work coming up in the near future. So with this in mind, I would just like to say to everyone just keep up a level of activity, if you have any problems please feel free to email me, and if you needed anything sorted out then again email me.

With that being said, just keep your eyes open and having a look on the news page for anything that is up coming. Also just keep an eye on the current competitions that are running. I hope that all of you will try and compete in as many of them as possible, so just keep up the work and I know you will soon achieve the goals you want.

Also I would like to say a big congratulation to a certain member in our house. Our new AED Driftan. I can expect to see great things from him in the near future. So if you get the chance to see Driftan just congratulate him, so again from Wolf Guard, Congratulations Driftan.


I would like to say that now the RoS is over I will like to see everyone trying to get medals. Remember the RoS has just finished, but at the same time keep in mind that you will be able to participate in competitions that are being ran, so at the same time looking at it this way you have to remember that you can easily get medals by participating in competitions, so just keep that in mind. So I hope to see medals from you all sometime soon. But for now I would like to let you all know who achieved a medal this week:

VanWyck – Dark Cross

Shadow Academy

I keep reminding everyone each week to try and complete one form of exam, I know that this isn’t the easiest thing to do in the world, but if you do have the time please try and take a Shadow Academy exam. I know that you can do it and I have seen most of you doing it recently, so please remember that you have to try and see what you can do but just give it a try. Now the following exams have been taken and completed this week, congrats for completing an exam:

VanWyck – Leadership Fundamentals

_Antie Combat Center _

I would like to give everyone a free offer in the ACC. If you wish to try and have a fight, feel free to give me a challenge whenever you want. I would like to see a few of you trying to participate. It is a good way to expand your character and in the future you will be able to make sure your character is in the way that you wish it to be. So I recommend that you try. With that being said I would like to say that the following has already been done this week:

VanWyck – Character Sheet Approved


I would like to say that if you just keep doing hard work, you will be able to see promotion soon, so in that matter just keep up the hard work and continue to make sure you are all active and you will be seeing things heading your way. I cannot say enough that all it takes is a bit of hard work and you will be able to get the rewards you want, just keep that in mind in the near future.

_ This week’s work_

Last Weeks List:

  • Hold Battle Team Meeting - Completed
  • Organise Competition - Completed
  • Help Members - Completed
  • Email Team Individually - Completed
  • Secret – Completed

This weeks list:

-Run Competition -Talk to specific members -Help members -Secret

Good Work

I would like to give my thanks to two members of my team, I don’t normally do this, but for once I believe that they do deserve a well done. First off to one of the active journeyman I would like to say a massive well done to VanWyck he has been doing hard work, and being active so well done to you there Van, just keep up the hard work and making this team proud. Then the second thanks goes to Lan for his hard work he has been doing behind the scenes, though it doesn’t seem much to him he has been helping me closely I would just like to say thanks Van.

_ Last Words _

I would like to say finishing this up, the late thing in all of my reports will be if you need any help please feel free to email me and I will answer any of your questions.

Arcona expects every man to do his duty

Cethgus Kuga Sergeant of Wolf Guard Arcona Invicta!

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