My fellow Tarenti:
The fabled House reshuffling has officially occurred. Tridens, Gladius and Cestus have all been closed and you have all been chosen as the very first members of a brand new House: House Kaerner. Consider that for a moment, because it is truly a rare occasion and a great honor. Houses don't open and close very often in the Dark Brotherhood, but you are lucky enough to be part of it this time. Even years from now you will all be able to say you were not only in House Kaerner, but you were the among the first ever to be in House Kaerner. That's pretty special.
This House has no history. There is no precedent. There are no long-fabled members who did great things a decade ago. You and I are the ones who will do the first things to make House Kaerner great.
There are a number items that I'd like to fill everyone in on now that the new House is open:
*** Competitions ***
Bored? Don't be! Participate in a competition and win a medal! It could be the first medal ever awarded in House Kaerner!
The competition listing has a filter called "stuff that matters to me" which is great. It only shows competitions that are open, and that you can participate in. I highly recommend that everyone get acquainted with it and use it frequently. Here's a link:
Now that the House is officially open, Jagen, Teia, Nami and I are going to be hitting the ground running and kicking off some competitions to get things started. Keep an eye on the mailing list for more news on that in the very near future.
*** Battle Teams ***
We have two Battle Teams planned: The Reckoners and Spectre. These Battle Teams are where the bulk of the action will be in House Kaerner. They will both offer many competitions and opportunities to get involved. If you want to be active, you want to be on a Battle Team. Allow me to stress that these are not "training" teams like we have had in the past. These are elite teams for Journeymen, Equites and Elders alike.
The Reckoners is a fiction-oriented team, based on Yridia IX in the City of Eden. If you are interested in knowing more about it or becoming a member, please get in touch with Teia Coran.
Spectre is a gaming-oriented team, based with the House headquarters on Joran. If you are interested in knowing more about it or becoming a member, please get in touch with Jagen Phoenix.
*** Journeymen ***
If you are below the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, you need to be getting involved with completing your promotion requirements. For those of you who used to be in House Gladius, I still have your complete activity records. For the rest of you, I will be talking to Frosty and Ji to see what information I can get.
For reference, the promotion requirements are listed here:
If you have questions or you need help, please ask!
*** DJKs, Equites, and Elders ***
If you aren't involved in the Master/Student Program, you should be! Raiju has been kind enough to make up a Wiki page that lists everyone who is looking for a Master. Get in touch with those people and see if you can work something out. The MSP is the single best way to keep people active in this club, especially at the Equite levels where people tend to wander off into boredom and inactivity.
In Darkness, Scion Altera
SBM Scion "Firebird" Altera (Sith)/QUA/Kaerner of Tarentum [ACC: OPR] GC-PoDP / AC / Cr-2S-8E / SoF / SoL / LS / S:-6U-3B
{SA: DML - DSLC} Brevet Commodore / Captain, MJHC Corsair
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