Cethgus walked around the training match watching the lightsabers collide together in a shower of sparks. Looking around he smirked to himself as the team contuined to push themselves harder each time, trying to prove to there leader that they were improving. As his boots tapped against the ground he contuined to focuse on his team, watching each strike that took place with care, making certain that they were truley putting all there effors into this. Since he had taken over the team he had pushed the members to there best, knowing that they werent going to like this but one day when the training saves there life they may thank him.
âOk, I think we will call this a wrap for now peopleâ His voice echoed over the noise.
As he watched the team grumbly leave the training area he let a small smirk cross his face. He was the last to leave as always he walked away from the training area, he felt that tonight would be one of those days when he would finally get some sleep. Walking into his quarters he just went to sleep as he was drifting off to sleep his comm went causing a growl to leave his throat.
âCethgus, its Van have you got a minute?â Rolling over the Exarch picked up the Communicator.
_ News _
Ok, well to be honest there really isnt much news to be going around. Its a bit quite now, but I would like all of you to know that there is a lot of things that will be coming up in the near future. So please do keep an eye out, I will keep you iformed as well from these reports about what is happening around the place. So please do kep an eye out on the website and of course in your inbox.
Also again with the news, that there isnt much going on, for those that havent already heard, Sarin has taken into the shoes of Deputy Grand Master, so expect to see things from him soon, if you see him give him a well done and congratulations. So that is really the only news, on the clan news, I would like to say give a massive congratulations Wally for making DJK, so if you get a chance give him a well done, as well as Sang on making Templar and Inarya for making DJK, if you see them just pm them with a massive well done.
_ Medal _
Ok well I havent seen a lot for medals this week, but as I keep reminding each of you, the best way to get a medal is to participate in competitions, now there are a lot of competitions currently being ran, from Dark Brotherhood level competitions through to Battle Team level ones so you have every single chance to get a competition out there at the moment, so I strongly recommend that you do your best to keep trying and participating in the competitions, it will help you gain medals so just keep it up, now a massive congrats the the following medal reciver:
Lan â Steel Cross
_ Shadow Academy _
Ok well as far as the shadow academy goes it has been pritty dead our side of things. But I do say that you should contuine to try and take exams, especially for all of you young eager journeymen it is a good way to get promoted. So please try and take an exam when you have the free time, I know that they are challanging so see how many you can do in free time. That is that part said people.
_ Antei Combat Centre_
Ok, now I know that not many of you are really up for writing but I mean if you ever want to fight it is a great and fun thing to participate in. You can even do it for a laugh so I would like to say that if you have free time please feel free and make sure that you participate. So I would like to see a few of you contuine to try and participate in this. I am avalible if you ever want to challange someone so please feel free.
_ Competitions _
So I would to say that there are a lot of competitions that are currently being ran, so I would like to say that you should all try and participate in one of them this week.
Justicar Competition
"The Forms of Vendetta are very specific," argued the Right Hand of Justice, "and they must be obeyed. There is no room for debate in this matter."
The Justicar nodded, then turned as the Left Hand began to speak, "We all know the Forms are archaic. The Clans have fought valiantly and now we are to punish them?"
The Right Hand vigorously disagreed, "It isn't a matter of punishing their valor - the Forms prevent the Clans from decending into total chaos! If you think I will stand by while-"
"Enough." Said the Justicar, ending the debate. "The Forms may be ancient, but it is not our place to ignore them as we please. As long as they stand, we must enforce them. The tribunal will begin tomorrow, both of you shall be prepared."
Both Hands bowed to the bench, "Yes, Justicar."
The first general directive of The Art of Vendetta is, " The Forms of the Art of Vendetta must be obeyed." While our actual Codex entry includes many practical rules and descriptions, fictionally it could be assumed there is a more involved system governing the actions of Clans in Vendetta via the Forms. Therefore, after each Vendetta the Chamber of Justice would be tasked with sorting through claims of violations.
Your task is to create a work of fiction which details several of the supposed violations from the Rite of Supremacy. Detail the work of the Chamber (both publically and behind the scenes) to get to the truth of these difficult matters.
This competition will run for two weeks, with all submissions being due by Saturday, March 20. Submissions should be emailed to the Justicar, Kir Katarn.
Details: 2 pages minimum, TNR, 12pt, Single spaced
Running Time: From Mar 4, 2010 until Mar 20, 2010
Unit: Entire DJB
Platforms: Fiction
Awards: Second Level Crescents (Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire)
Wolf Guard
Specifics: You're character is in a fight of your choice, create an image of your character in this fighting scene. Comedy is allowed, and have fun doing this.
Running Time: From Mar 11, 2010 until Mar 25, 2010
Unit: Battle Team Wolf Guard
Platforms: Any image format
Awards: Fifth Level Crescent
Comments: Approved by Battle Team Leader Email all entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Herald Competition
Specifics: My favorite holiday is St. Patrick's Day and in celebration of this wonderous day, I have wondered... what would the Herald's Staff look like if they celebrated this drunken holiday? Well, give me your interpretation of this. Would Shikyo hold his own in a drinking contest with his Praetor, or was he praising the Porcelin involuntarily? Design this image in whatever graphic program you may have. Top 3 places will get 2nd level crescents.
Running Time: From Mar 13, 2010 until Mar 31, 2010
Unit: Entire DJB
Platforms: Graphics Programs (Any)
Awards: 2nd Level Crescents
Comments: Must be humorous and please send to myself and Jeric. Good luck!
Shadow Academy
Specifics: Hidden under the folds of Lyspair's vast terrain rests a vast Brotherhood Library known as the Dark Vault. Here lies thousands of years of history and knowledge of the Dark Brotherhood, the Dark Side, and the Galaxy and all that it holds. Between the hundreds of scrolls and datacards, there is information here enough to last a scholar five lifetimes.
A person's access to the Dark Vault varies. The newest of Apprentices are granted access to only the most basic of wisdom, while Elders see much more. So, too, does this rule apply for one's position. Even the Headmaster cannot enter as many rooms as the Grand Master, and indeed there are those sections that no one has seen since the original settlement of Antei's moon, even surviving the pillaging of the Yuuzhan Vong.
You have travelled to Lyspair to access the Dark Vault, searching for a piece of knowledge that will help you on your life quest. Little did you know, however, that you would find much more than what you asked for.
Write a short fiction of at least three pages detailing what you discovered within the tombs of the Dark Vault, and the impact it had on you. It may be ancient wisdom, reborn knowledge, or something of an entirely new origin.
Running Time: From Mar 15, 2010 until Apr 9, 2010
Unit: Entire DJB
Platforms: Fiction; Three Pages, Single-Spaced, 12 Font
Awards: Second Level Crescents
Comments: Submissions should be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
_ Promotions _
Ok no promotions at this current moment in time, but I know that in time you will be able to get promotions, so please try and do as much as you can this week, and just keep going all the work, I know that if you do keep up the work and I know that each of you will sooner or later see a promotion in your inbox, so please keep up the hard work and I will see how each of you progress, if you have any questions journeymen please ask me about it and I will help you.
_ Last Words _
So with this report being over now, I would like to say a massive well done to everyone who has done hard work. So I want to say that I hope you can keep up and make sure that everything is going smoothly so please people just try and do as much as you can with the time you have and I will be checking up on you in an email soon.
Cethgus Kuga Seargent of Wolf Guard
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