<font size="4">Sometimes things never worked out the way you plan them. Kaira was stood in a rather large training room, waiting for three new members to show up. All three she felt needed some practices time with their lightsabers, yet they were late. The anger within her grew with each moment that passed. If they didnât get there soon, they would be very sorry.
Just then three heads popped around the corner of the door way as they looked into the room. Kaira could feel them already and there apparition to enter the room.
âIf you three wish to stay out of more trouble you better get in here now. Zuser, Necal and Trent I want you all three in front of me by the time I count to five or face the punishment of a survival test.â
Kaira started to count and before she got to five all three were in front of her. With a sly smile on her lips, she could tell that they had heard stories of her survival tests. All she had done was sent a few journeymen out into the frozen waste land of Morroth. The cold had been the worse part of that test, she felt as she saw the faces of those that made there way back to base. With each one of them now in front of her she felt that their test would be soon but not today. For today, they started practicing with their sabers. </font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> There have been a few reports coming out about the club as of late. Muz our Grand master of our club released a new report on where he would like to move with the new people coming into the club. I would really like it if everyone read it and learned what is going on with the club.
With in our own house things are going well. I had a good response to my last contest and will have another one soon enough. Kal is having trouble with internet so donât be surprised that he wonât be on irc as much until he works this out. As for Cassie, she has been busy with real life. If you have questions for them please email them. </font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">DB Contests</font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">St. Herald's Day<font></font></font></font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">The Inter Club Training Event or ICTE is held every Saturday from 12am to 12am on #outerrim. Remember to report your scores to this website for the ICTE gaming. http://icte.darkjedibrotherhood.com/closed.php</font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">ACC Journeymen Ladder<font></font></font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Tombs of Wisdom<font></font></font></font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Clan Contests</font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[PLA] Something Wicked This Way Comes<font></font></font></font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">House contests</font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Your own path<font></font></font></font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> There is always some ACC matchs going on so head over to the ACC and find a few to read. If you are looking to learn how to do the ACC drop me an email and I will get you the help you need. </font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> Cassie: 3 Seal of Bone Kaira: 4 Seal of Bone Necal: 1 Seal of Bone, 1 Topaz Star Fang: 4 Seal of Bone, 1 Ruby Star Kal: 1 Seal of Bone Mograine: 1 Seal of Bone Vessicant: 2 Seal of Bone Vexer: 1 Seal of Bone, 2 Emerald Star Zuser: 1 Quarts Star Trent: 1 Topaz star Wuntila: 1 Quartz star</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> Wuntila: Grammar Studies and IRC basics passed Kodais: Chamber of Justice 2 passed Trent: IRC basics and Astronomy passed Necal: Starfighter studies passed</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> Promotions: Wuntila from GRD to JH Trent from ACO to PRT New members: Wuntila has transferred in from Rogues welcome to the house. Leaving Memebers: none at this time that I know of. </font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> The system will soon be changed, so be ready for some big developments in the coming weeks.
Here is the list of Master Student pairings I have. Quejo and Onteron Mograine and Nariah Kaira- Isildur Eärendil, Zeon Blacktooth (LoA), and Killer Viv and Du'moth (Name change from Drocko the Hutt) Kodais and Eridanis Kal and Necal Cassie and Evix
As always I would like to hear from the masters and students. If you are doing well in your trials it would be nice to hear about that. Please keep me up to date so you can get promoted. If you find that your master and student pairing is not working out I would also like to be informed so that we might find you a new master or a new student.
If you are wishing to be a master or need a master please email me so that I can help you. Would like to remind you all that if you are a master or a student to keep me informed of progress so I can help you level faster. </font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> Well I have not reported since the 9th sorry about that house. I have been very busy as of late. This last weekend I had my 5 year old nephew around. We spent all weekend and part of this week with him. He went home Tuesday morning so now I have a lot more free time again to get things done. I am tired and sore but I am here now.
So that is what is going on in my life but I am so glad to see so many awards and that means activity. That is a good thing. I really hope you all are going to be around on IRC as we can all do with a bit more chat time. I will say this again if any one has any thing they wish to see me add to my reports drop me a line and let me know. I am always willing to listen to all ideas. </font>
<font color="#571B7e"><font size="4">#10057 KAP Kaira Rohana(Krath)/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:1] SB / GC-PoDP / SC / AC / DC-CP / SN-BL / Cr-1D-1R-9A-20S-29E-13T-9Q / PoB / CF-SF / SI-BL / SoL / LS / S:-21U
{SA: DMW - DMP - DMGH - DSWP} Prodigy of Plagueis Rollmaster of HSK </font></font></font></p></font></font></p></font></p></font></p></font></p></font></font></font></font></p></font></p>
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